How often can I give Espumizan to a newborn?

The main cause of sleepless nights in newborns are colic, which most often manifest themselves closer to the night, although they can happen at other times of the day. It provokes their immaturity of the digestive system of the baby, when it still lacks enzymes for complete digestion of food, and this leads to the formation and accumulation of gases in the intestine.

Excess gas formation causes sharp spasmodic pains in the tummy, and then the kid desperately screams and pushes the legs. Colic can not be confused with other discomforts in a newborn. He can cry for several hours in a row, and calms down only when he can get rid of harmful gas tanks.

How often should I give the drug?

In case you do not know how many times a day you can give Espomizan to a newborn, you should carefully study the instructions that are attached to the bottle with the suspension. It states that you should give the baby a remedy before each feeding, if necessary.

When at this time to give the medicine did not work, there will not be anything terrible if dripping droplets after eating. Babies, strongly prone to colic , Espumizan should be given and at night so that he can rest well. The medicine does not cause negative reactions or addiction and is completely safe for young children, beginning with birth.

How much to give drops?

The instructions describe the dosage of Espumizan for all age groups, and for newborns as well. Babies up to a year give 25 drops or 1 ml of suspension, which is contained in a glass bottle with a convenient plastic dropper. The medicine does not need to be diluted for babies on breastfeeding, and the artificial dose is poured into the bottle with the mixture at each feeding.

How long can I give medicine?

Fearing to cause a cumulative effect, moms want to know how many days a newborn can be given Espumizan. It turns out that pediatricians recommend taking this medicine as long as the child needs.

Theoretically, colic ends in toddlers at 3-4 months and during this time Espumizan should always be in the medicine cabinet. The older the child becomes, the less often he needs the medicine and the mother, having noticed these changes, misses the receipt of the remedy one day.

Now you know how often you can give Espomizan to a newborn, and you can no longer worry about its negative effect on the body. It simply does not exist, because the active ingredient simethicone does not accumulate, does not enter the circulatory system, but acts only in the intestine, dissolving the air bubbles that cause the baby to cry.