Kitchen corner with own hands

Not so long ago the kitchen corner in the house was considered something very fashionable and refined. Nowadays, preference is given to tables and a set of chairs. But in private homes or families, where many children, still prefer corners. Yes, and modern kitchen corners with a table are fundamentally different in design: now they are stylish finishes and lines, there are even folding models with a full bed. If, for one reason or another, you can not buy the finished one, you can always make a kitchen corner out of wood with your own hands.

How to assemble a kitchenette: making a sofa

All such headsets usually consist of a table, a pair of stools and a proper corner in the form of a sofa. To produce this part, we need the following materials:

Now consider step by step how all of these materials will produce small kitchen corners.

  1. Preliminary it is necessary to draw sketches of a back and sitting, then to cut out all details from sheets ДСП.
  2. Next, we begin the assembly of the case. We collect the frame from the slats, then we fasten the back wall and the bottom to them. Important point: if the screw is screwed in such a way that it first enters the chipboard and then into the rail, the fastening will be more reliable.
  3. We continue assembling the kitchen corner with our own hands. We pull the two parts of the hull taking into account the thickness and allowances for batting and foam rubber.
  4. Why glue batting? With the help of glue we attach it to the ends of the structure and as a result the line of the finished construction will be more smooth, and the upholstery material will not wear out so quickly.
  5. Next, cut out the sketches of foam rubber and glue it on the walls with seats.
  6. Now, from the upholstery, you need to cut the workpieces and trim the frame with them. To do this, simply attach it to the back of the fabric with a construction stapler.
  7. Separately we make the middle part. Since it is not possible to learn how to make the kitchen corner completely curved, this part is made in a slightly different way. Instead of chipboard take fiberboard. Since the thickness of the plate is much smaller, batting will be needed more. Next, using a familiar method, fix the foam rubber and cover it all with upholstery.
  8. We fix seats with the help of loops.
  9. It remains only the bottom part of the obits and the sofa is ready.

Kitchen corner in wood: we collect a table

For the manufacture of table in the building store we purchase the following materials:

And now of all these materials we will make a table for the kitchen corner with our own hands.

  1. The table with the rounded corners is first drawn in a subtle way on the sheets of particle board. Then we cut all this out. As a result, we get two sidewalls and a table top.
  2. Then we gather the basis from all these parts.
  3. Preliminary from a bar 2,5х4,5 sm we collect a skeleton for a table-top.
  4. We put on the back of the table top frame of the bar, then two sidewalls and fix these details with building corners and screws.
  5. Note: the lower bar is desirable to make about 1-2 cm longer than the width of the frame. In this way, you will achieve greater structural stability.
  6. After the assembly is completed, you can turn the table and two additional screws, in addition to fix the side in the upper part.
  7. If you decide to make such tables for small kitchen corners from chipboard, all the details must be brought to the market before assembly and veneered with veneer.