Child is a white crow

Every transitional age is a test for parents. Where it is more difficult, if this period does not end and the child constantly presents surprises in the form of non-standard behavior. One has to face constant complaints of aggression from the crumbs, while others are experiencing the opposite of apparent detachment and separation from the team. What should parents know and how to help the child to adapt in society?

From extreme to extreme

As a rule, we are happy when the child is friends with peers and does not stand out. On the one hand, this simplifies the process of upbringing and makes it possible to easily choose an educational institution. Unfortunately, today there are more and more situations where the child behaves differently than parents and society want.

What deviations can adults see?

  1. Excessive shyness . Almost all children are initially sociable and easily find a common language with their peers. The problem of shyness is most often acquired in the process of parental intervention. For example, the crumb often gets sick and the parents deliberately refuse from the kindergarten or do not allow him to walk on common areas in the parks. Pay attention: sometimes we confuse shyness with the need for privacy. If your kid is able to address an adult and ask for something, but does not want to take part in group games (instead he draws or collects puzzles), then there is no cause for concern.
  2. Another option is constant conflict. At what the child does not necessarily fight. Final conflict can be in the form of a tantrum or a loud scene. As a result, it is easier for children not to notice it than to constantly get into an unpleasant situation. Here the roots of the problem lie in the family. Such babies are reluctant to share and constantly arrange hysterics only for the reason that they are so used to behaving at home. Adults take too much care of the baby or make high demands. A crumb simply throws out the negative, which is accumulated at home.
  3. Aggression for any reason . A young warrior sometimes brings no less problems than a too effeminate child. The first source of this behavior is checking the boundaries of what is permissible. Fortunately, this option is most often encountered. A crumb simply tries to understand in practice what he can do, and for what he will be punished. The second scenario is revenge for insult. Someone pushed your child inadvertently, and he took yes and struck with all his might. Look for where the kid could see such a pattern of behavior. The saddest situation is when aggression is a character trait and the specialist's help is needed.
  4. Non-contactness . There is a category of children who are really difficult to establish contact with the outside world. Parents from the very beginning see non-standard behavior: in infancy such children do not wave their pens and do not smile at the sight of their mother; at a later age they are indifferent to bright toys and prefer solitude and fantasy. Autistic children need a special approach, since they do not let outsiders into their world and often give the impression of being backward. But a child with such an inner world is sometimes much smarter, more gifted than a normal child. Your task with the help of a psychologist is to find an approach and win the trust of the crumbs, then gradually you can bring him to communicate with peers.
  5. Genius rarely brings joy to its owners. Children, who clearly differ from others in higher intellect, also have many problems with communication, as they are simply bored with their peers. If your child constantly asks questions from a certain area and he is given this training, you should immediately look for circles on interests. There the crumb can find a circle of communication in which he will feel comfortable.