Signs of April

April's popular signs will help not only to determine which weather is likely to prevail in the summer months of this year, but also to understand how great the harvest will be. Therefore, let's talk a little about the most famous signs about April in order to guide them in life.

People's signs about the weather for April

Our ancestors believed that this month it is possible to determine whether there will be many mushrooms in the summer, for this they estimated how often rains or wet snow occur in this period of time. If the street was wet weather, it was believed that the summer will be rich in mushroom harvest.

Another weather feature for April is the presence or absence of a thunderstorm this month. Our grandparents believed that if a thunderstorm broke out in the second month of spring, the summer would be incredibly warm, and the harvest should wait for a big one, so the thunder and lightning in April were a good omen, promising prosperity and well-being. But the sign associated with the appearance of the rainbow in April, you can not call pleasant, it is believed that this phenomenon indicates that it will soon be a cooling, which will be quite long. In some regions, and at all believe that the rainbow in the second month of spring promises a rainy and very cold summer, which will be extremely unproductive, and do not even wait for the appearance of a large number of berries and mushrooms in the forest.

Also, our ancestors believed that in the event that the first dandelions appeared in mid-April, it is worth waiting for a warm May and hot June, so it will be necessary to plant gardening crops earlier than usual. This weather sign for April and to this day guided many summer residents, preparing for the planting period. By the way, due to the presence or absence of frost in the mornings in the 20th of April, you can determine how rich the harvest will be. If you saw in the morning that the edge of the leaves or the earth is covered with a thin layer of frost, you can count on the fact that the summer will be incredibly yielding. But if the swallows flew home this month, it says that there will be bad weather in June and July, which, of course, will damage the planting of garden crops.

Signs of the wedding in April

Our ancestors did not like to organize wedding festivities this month, and it was connected with the belief that the life of a married couple married in April will look like a zebra. That is, the black strip will be replaced by white, and well-being and prosperity will alternate with periods of lack of money and quarrels all life.

But, if the couple had to marry this month, our grandmothers tried to observe some precautions. For example, it was believed that it is possible to drive away the misfortune from the newlyweds, if the earrings and ornaments, other than the engagement ring, of course, will be worn by the married girlfriend who resides in a comfortable and fairly successful marriage. Also, it was necessary to carefully monitor that on the day of registration of the marriage or the wedding, neither the bridegroom nor the bride stepped into a puddle, this could also save a couple from misfortunes and lack of money.

Another way to minimize a bad prediction is the following actions, first, the bridegroom, taking the bride from her native, that is, the parental home, in no case should look back, and choosing a bouquet as a gift for the wedding day does not take flowers with spikes. Secondly, the bride should not give wedding rings to anyone before the wedding, it is better not to show them. And, finally, right after the marriage is legalized, the bride must give up (throw) the wedding bouquet to unmarried girlfriends. It was believed that by doing this, the couple will ensure a comfortable existence, and also avoid conflicts and quarrels in family life.