Makeup Alsou

Alsu really is one of the most feminine and beautiful singers on the Russian stage. For all the years of her uninterrupted career, one can not find any unsuccessful photos, the ubiquitous journalists and the paparazzi failed to gloat over the appearance of the singer, because she always looks one hundred percent.

Style Alsou

It's not just that the girl constantly pays attention to her appearance, she also keeps herself in shape all the time. She always has perfect clothes, a posture, a hairdress and a make-up, thus she does not use anything superfluous, all images Алсу are refined and simple.

The singer has an attractive natural beauty, that's why she practically does not need the services of a make-up artist or cosmetologist. It is not very often shown in public or in front of cameras without make-up, but when she does it, the fans get only a pleasant surprise, since without cosmetic means the girl looks incredibly young and fresh. Its main advantage is a smooth and healthy skin, which simply glows even without makeup.

A girl like Alsu, who has an incredibly bright and attractive appearance, does not need to invent and impose any make-up. Most often, she refreshes her face with pink blush and pastel gloss on her lips. In order to get the same tanned and even skin tone of the face, you can use a foundation and light powder.

Of course, not a single star can not do without evening and holiday make-up. Lips Alsou often have a natural shade, not distracting the attention of others from the singer's eyes, to which she makes a special accent. In order to make her look more vivid and expressive, the girl uses a combination of golden shadows and black eyeliner, which are appropriate for festive events.