Treatment of neuralgia at home

Neuralgia is characterized by acute and aching pain, penetrating the nerve. As the nerves extend throughout the body, the pain is able to concentrate anywhere, and depending on this, the type of illness and the necessary treatment for neuralgia at home are distinguished. Sometimes prescribed by the doctor means is not enough, the process of recovery is delayed. Then it is recommended that parallel therapy be carried out with additional measures.

Treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve at home

To moderate pain syndrome, to remove inflammation and in general to normalize the condition can be, resorting to such activities:

  1. Warming the mandibular area with compresses is effective against inflammation. To do this, you can apply a bag of hot salt, make alcohol compresses or apply a hard-boiled egg cut into two.
  2. Promote the improvement of blood flow and nutrition of tissues bath procedures or bathing.
  3. Treatment of affected areas with fir oil .
  4. The anesthetic effect is achieved by the ingestion of wormwood decoction.

Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia at home

In addition to medications, in consultation with a doctor, you can resort to such folk remedies:

  1. Affected areas are recommended to be processed with garlic tincture. It is prepared by dissolving garlic oil in vodka.
  2. To reduce the pain before going to sleep drink a decoction of sleep-herbs.
  3. The healing property is enjoyed by baths based on decoction of pine branches and cones.

Treatment of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve at home

The use of the following home remedies can provide positive results of treatment:

  1. Massage removes inflammation, pain and helps warm up muscles. To improve the effect, it is recommended to use essential oils.
  2. To relax the muscles are recommended to take hot baths.
  3. Independently it is possible to warm sick sites with compresses from a sour dough on rye flour or from grated black radish.
  4. Inside, it is advised to take decoctions of dogwood or calendula inflorescences.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve - treatment at home

The following measures can facilitate the course of the disease and significantly accelerate the recovery period:

  1. When swelling, arnica is useful in drops or powder.
  2. Disturbing areas can be lubricated with a tincture of a crocus. But it must be remembered that this plant is poisonous.
  3. Reception of baths in which the decoction of aspen bark preliminarily interferes.
  4. Some note the positive effect of applying compresses based on burdock leaves.