Megan Fox fingers

Although many people complex because of congenital deficiencies in appearance, in reality, with the right approach, they can be made their unique "zest". Contrary to popular belief, such defects are not always a hindrance to an acting or modeling career, and many celebrities continue to drive their fans crazy, despite their imperfect appearance.

One of the most striking examples of stars with congenital cosmetic defects is the American actress and supermodel Megan Fox. This girl has an unusually bright and beautiful appearance and has repeatedly been recognized as the sexiest woman on the planet.

Although the fans are ready to do anything, just to spend at least one evening with Megan Fox, the girl does not consider herself to be beautiful. Megan was born with a congenital anomaly of fingers and calls a slight flaw in his appearance the most real ugliness.

What are the fingers of Megan Fox?

The future actress and model was born with a hereditary defect, which in medical terminology is called "brachydactyly." The inhabitants usually call this problem short-fingered, because it is characterized by a shortening of one or more fingers or toes due to the lack or underdevelopment of certain phalanges.

It is for this reason that Megan Fox has too short thumbs. In connection with the congenital anomaly of development, they not only grow slower than others, but also have underdeveloped nail plates, which very much spoil the appearance of the hands of the beauty and give her expressed psychological discomfort. Fortunately, this pathology touched only the big fingers on the hands of a beautiful woman - the toes on Megan Fox legs are of normal size, and the star does not complex about this.

Did Megan Fox build her fingers?

All the fans are so accustomed to the ugly big fingers of Megan Fox that they were very surprised when in 2010 they saw a commercial of Motorola with the participation of their favorite actress. In the plot of this video, a naked star lounges in a bath with foam and holds a smartphone in his right hand.

Attentive viewers immediately noticed that in advertising Megan's fingers look absolutely normal, and there is no cosmetic defect on them. At that time, the mysterious transformation was discussed by all known tabloids, who eventually found out that the girl did not perform any operations, and her finger was "enlarged" with the help of special effects.

As it turned out, Megan asked herself to "fix" the lack of appearance. It is she who is so strongly complex because of her innate features that she prefers to always hide her from prying eyes.

By the way, the celebrity husband, American actor Brian Austin Green really likes the fact that his wife has a peculiar "zest". The man thinks that Megan Fox's short thumbs are her unique feature that distinguishes the girl from the bulk and does not spoil her appearance at all.

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Cosmetic defect also did not become an obstacle on the way of the actress to gaining family happiness. Although the relationship between Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green is not always smooth, they continue to lead a married life and are currently awaiting their third joint child.