Growth of Jennifer Aniston

The star of the series "Friends" on the threshold of the 50th anniversary, and even young girls are envious of her figure. With a height of 164 cm, Jennifer Aniston weighs only 50 kg. But in fact she once terribly complexed about her appearance, thanks to her mother. "Look at yourself in the mirror! Such fat and terrible actresses do not happen ", - such were the parting words of the mother, when Jen decided to conquer the world of motion picture art.

The height, weight and shape of the figure Jennifer Aniston

Patience and work, as you know, all peretrut. And this we see in the example of Jennifer. In addition to the ideal balance of height and weight, Jennifer Aniston also surprises with her parameters: chest - 94 cm (they say, she increased it by a couple of sizes), waist - 59 cm and hips - 90 cm.

After moving to New York, the dream of becoming a famous actress did not come true right away. At first she had to sweat on low-budget roles, moonlighting as a waitress, a courier and even work hard in telephone marketing. And after the critically acclaimed horror film "Leprechaun" she decided to give up her dream.

Yes, the height and weight of Jennifer Aniston were in perfect balance not throughout her biography. When she first started working with her first agent, she was a girl with magnificent forms. Of course, the excess weight of Jennifer Aniston could not be unnoticed, especially with a slight growth. Apparently, that's why she was offered only stupid roles absurd fatties. But then the role in the series "Friends" appeared on the horizon, and the agent demanded from Jen to lose 10 kilograms already. And, as time showed, not in vain. The series was successful, and Jennifer Aniston gained world fame and the title of one of the sexiest actresses.

At the age of 47, Jennifer Aniston, with her height, weighs only 50 kg (although evil tongues claim that she has all 55 kg). And this is not only the merit of genetics (her father and grandmother always looked young), but also in the hard work of the actress over her appearance. Today, Jennifer Aniston with pleasure is photographed in full growth, without fear of being caught in the presence of flaws in the figure.

How tall is Jennifer Aniston today?

It seemed to be a strange question, because our growth during life does not change (unless we are helped by a surgeon), and to old age can also decrease. But Jennifer Aniston for many years engaged in yoga, power sports and jogging.

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In an interview, Jen said that during regular yoga classes she straightens the spine, and she thinks that, thanks to this exercise, she has grown at least 1 cm.