Is it possible to baptize a child during menstruation?

Baptism for the infant, his parents and godparents is a significant event in life. The baby, thus, becomes the path of God, and the godfather take responsibility for his further education. Therefore it is quite logical that relatives and godparents want the rite of baptism to pass by all the rules and canons of the church. But unforeseen situations can sometimes be avoided, for example, the godmother may suddenly start monthly, what to do in such cases, let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to baptize a child with a monthly?

Disputes and discussions on this matter can not be counted, and nowadays everyone is free to do what they want. However, if you somehow arrange the information received from different sources, then there are several options.

  1. So, often with the question of whether it is possible, and how to baptize a child, if the cross suddenly began monthly, parents turn to clergymen. What does not always receive an unambiguous answer. Some priests categorically forbid women with menstruation to enter the church, and even more so participate in the sacrament. Others treat it condescendingly and suggest that the godmother simply stand aside, while someone else will take the baby from the font. There are also unequivocally positive answers to the question whether it is possible to baptize a child during menstruation. But in any case, it is necessary to take an interest in the opinion of the priest about this.
  2. Separately, I want to stop at why you can not baptize a small child during the period. This is a very old tradition. Previously it was believed that a woman with menstruation allegedly "dirty" and should not go into the temple of God and touch the shrines. The question is certainly controversial, and here the difference between such concepts as "faith" and "religion" is clearly traced.

Why in the days of natural purification of the female body, even visiting the church is considered a sin, not everyone understands. After all, menstruation can be regarded as a preparatory stage for the conception and birth of a child, and nothing wrong and sinful in this. In addition, if a woman turns to God with pure thoughts. Maybe this is due to the fact that before the fairer sex did not wear underwear, and menstrual blood soiled floors in the church. In this case, modern personal hygiene products have long solved this problem.

In short, an unequivocal answer to the question of whether to baptize a child from the first to the last day of the monthly for today is not. But in order not to violate firmly entrenched traditions , the date of baptism is better agreed with the godmother in advance. And if menstruation started suddenly, then it is necessary to ask advice from the priest.