Temperature 37 - what to do?

The rise in body temperature to 37 ° C is a frequent occurrence, in many cases accompanied by slow inflammatory processes or a variant of the norm. If the temperature 37 is kept for a long time, and you are sure that your individual temperature norm is lower, this should be sure to alert you and become a reason to call your doctor. It is also very important to determine whether there are any other pathological symptoms.

What should I do if the temperature is 37 for colds, a runny nose and sore throat?

A slight increase in temperature, a runny nose, sore throat , as well as cough and headache are the most common and characteristic symptoms of colds and acute viral infections. With such indicators, body temperature should not be knocked down by febrifuge preparations, otherwise it is possible to disrupt the natural processes of healing and fighting the organism with infectious agents, thereby delaying recovery. The main thing with these symptoms:

  1. Use as much warm liquid as possible.
  2. Observe the bed rest.
  3. Rinse the nose with saline solutions.

It is worth noting that often after the transferred infectious inflammatory diseases body temperature for a certain period of time is maintained at 37-37.2 ° C. This phenomenon is sometimes called the "temperature tail", during which the body finally overcomes the infection and self-repair. However, in this case, if the temperature is prolonged for a long time, the possible development of complications should be ruled out.

What if the temperature is 37 for a month?

If the body temperature is maintained for a long time, you should consult a physician-therapist. The cause of this phenomenon can be elucidated with the help of prescribed diagnostic studies, which include:

Often, the diagnosis requires consultations of narrow specialists: gynecologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc. Only after establishing the exact causes of fever, should appropriate treatment.

It should also be noted that it often happens that an increased value of body temperature is associated with a malfunction of the thermometer, especially if the electronic is used. Therefore, in order to exclude possible measurement errors, first you should try changing the device.