Periodontitis - symptoms

Periodontitis is a widespread inflammatory disease of periodontal tissues, characterized by certain symptoms and disorders in tissues and requiring treatment. To understand the essence of this disease it is worth mentioning, what is parodontium? This term refers to the tissue that surrounds the tooth and keeps it in the hole. These include the gum, connective tissue, nerves and periodontal vessels, tooth cement and alveolar bone of the jawbone.

Causes of periodontitis

The reasons for the development of acute and chronic periodontitis dentists call:

  1. Pathology of occlusion. Anomalies of the occlusion can lead to excessive traumatization of the periodontal of some teeth, when the load falls on certain teeth. They can be either congenital or acquired due to poor-quality dental treatment. Unsuccessful installation of braces, veneers, prostheses and even seals can overstate or underestimate the bite in different areas of the dentition, resulting in an incorrectly distributed load on the periodontium.
  2. Physical and chemical trauma.
  3. Short bridles of lips and tongue.
  4. Microorganisms forming plaque. Such microorganisms live in the oral cavity of any person and, with proper hygiene, do not cause any harm to the tissues. But if the hygiene is unsatisfactory and there are concomitant diseases, then with time the products of the vital activity of the microflora begin to affect the mucosa, and then the periodontal tissue.
  5. Diseases of other organs and systems. Diabetes mellitus , blood diseases, cardiovascular system, autoimmune diseases are often accompanied by the development of severe periodontitis. Diseases of an allergic nature, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems also contribute to disturbances in the tissues surrounding the tooth.

Periodontitis - the main symptoms

Most often, the symptomatology grows invisibly and slowly, the disease does not bring tangible discomfort to the patient. But there is a rapid development of acute periodontitis (for example, with blood diseases). The mild degree of the disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

With the development of moderate and severe stages of periodontitis, all symptoms increase, dentogingival pockets increase, the necks of the teeth become bare, pockets can be extracted from the pockets, teeth begin to loosen and may fall out and shift. Eating is difficult. Periodontitis can be localized (the inflammatory process develops near several teeth) and generalized (both jaws are affected).

Treatment of periodontitis

Unfortunately, every third person on the planet meets the symptoms of periodontitis to some extent. The sooner a diagnosis is made and adequate treatment is started, the more likely it will be to return the full functions of the dentoalveolar system. Conservative treatment always begins with the removal of gingival deposits, which often, at easy stages of the disease, allows to solve the problem. With further satisfactory hygiene and prevention, relapses do not occur for a long time. In addition to cleaning, antibacterial drugs, antiseptics and vitamins are used, which effectively eliminate inflammation, both in local and in general application. If conservative treatment does not give results - there is a need to use surgical methods of treatment.