Smell from the mouth

As the statistics show - more than 50% of the population of our planet suffers from bad breath. Moreover, most people do not even suspect about this disease, since our breathing apparatus is designed in such a way that we either do not feel our own smell, or we get used to it very quickly. If you suddenly have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, then its causes may be a malfunction in your body. And if you do not feel an unpleasant smell, but the surrounding tactfully hint at it, then most likely the cause is in the oral cavity. In any case, if an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth, it is necessary to establish and remove the cause in order to avoid serious complications.

Causes of bad breath

The main reason is the activity of bacteria that accumulate on the back of the tongue, between the teeth, on the inside of the cheeks. If the rules of hygiene and the use of protein foods are not properly observed, bacteria become much more active.

With internal diseases, the odor from the mouth becomes specific:

The cause of bad breath can be dry mouth (xerostomia). Saliva has disinfectant properties, so when dry, germs feel much more comfortable, their vital activity increases, they begin to multiply actively. The result is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Smoking, alcohol, malnutrition - are definitely sources of bad smell from the mouth.

Taking certain medications can also cause bad breath.

If your health is ok, the cause of bad breath can be problems with your teeth and gums.

In general, when smelling from the mouth, treatment should begin with a visit to the dental office. A good doctor can easily establish its cause. Sometimes diseases of the internal organs can provoke the development of problems with the oral cavity and then, even getting rid of the disease, you do not eliminate the cause of bad breath. Also, the dentist will advise you on the topic of proper hygiene.

If you began to notice the child's smell from the mouth, then, in addition to the dentist, you need to check it for the presence of helminths.

To get rid of the smell from the mouth in the first place, you need to eliminate the main causes and properly care for the oral cavity.

Treatment of odor from the mouth

For problems not related to internal diseases, treatment should begin with hygiene. After eating, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity of food residues, and also to clean the areas between the teeth with floss. Especially carefully, avoiding damage, clean out the tongue, since the largest number of bacteria accumulate on its back. A special spoon helps for such purposes, but you can also act with a brush. Perhaps even just this regular procedure will save you from bad breath. To enhance the effect, you can use special rinsers with chlorine dioxide - they not only reduce the number of bacteria, but also neutralize the results of their life, volatile sulfur emissions that directly and smell. But from rinsers with high alcohol content it is better to abstain, they overdry the oral cavity, which promotes the reproduction of bacteria.

How to eliminate the smell from the mouth?

To help eliminate the smell from the mouth can and folk remedies, for this 5-6 times a day, rinse your mouth with such herbal decoctions:

  1. Half an hour, insist on 1 tablespoon of mint in half a glass of boiling water.
  2. Spoon a cup of oak bark with a glass of boiling water and hold it for 30 minutes in a water bath. Insist 1 hour. Strain and rinse the oral cavity - the bark of oak has also a curative effect.
  3. For an hour, pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile with a glass of boiling water.

Chewing propolis, cloves, spices can also neutralize the smell for a while.

Using odor eliminating agents, do not forget that they remove only the consequences. But having eliminated the cause, you can breathe easily and exhale freshly.