Dance of the bride with her father

Usually the wedding center is a newly-married couple, and this is certainly so. But there are other important characters, which are associated with traditional wedding rituals. This article will focus on the role played by the bride's father at the wedding.

Even the most modern wedding is based on long traditions. And they, in turn, are formed by the living conditions of our ancestors. Women at that time were protected by men all their lives. It was at the wedding that his father handed his daughter to her husband, and at the same time gave him the responsibility to protect her and take care of her. So far, young people are asking the "hand of your daughter" from their parents. This phrase comes from the symbolic transfer of the girl - the father leads the bride to the altar, and then puts her hand in the hand of the groom.

Dance of the bride with her father

A very touching moment of celebration is the dance of the bride with her father. A small tender child has become a charming adult girl. After her - for many years of childhood, for him - paternity. But at that moment two adults look at each other. The wedding dance of the bride and father makes it possible for both of them to feel that the time has come for a different relationship.

Moments, when the bride is dancing with her father, become the decoration of the wedding. The noisy fun ceases for a few minutes, each of those present remembers touching moments from their own lives. To arrange the dance of the bride with his father, a suitable song should be chosen and a dance performed. Of the Russian-language songs most popular:

The wedding choreographer will also add touching to this action. With his help, the dance will look like a story with a happy ending, and, of course, even more impresses the guests and will be remembered by the participants.

The speech of the bride's father at the wedding

Often the popes experience great excitement from the need to keep a speech before the guests. This is a signal that you just need to prepare in advance, and then the performance of the father will be a memorable moment of the wedding celebration.

On what thesis should be based on the preparation of the words of the father of the bride:

It will be just fine if the wedding speech of the bride's father will contain a reference to his own experience - if the parental marriage has not disintegrated, and parents have maintained a spiritual relationship. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this. In this case, we can express the hope that children will be able to build a stronger marriage.

Despite the mature years and a great life experience, a daughter's wedding can be a difficult test for fatherly courage. Significant changes in the fate of the beloved child, the need to keep speech under the gaze of the guests - all this can add doubts to the successful performance. There are other circumstances. For example, a large number of toasts before his father's speech. In any case, speech on behalf of the father can be entrusted to the uncle or brother of the bride.

Of course, the relationship of the daughter with the father is not interrupted after she creates her family. Ahead of many more years, the kinship relationship is still enriched by new, small participants. And about the surprisingly sentimental and touching moment will resemble wedding photos.