Childbirth in dogs - signs

Preparation for childbirth

Your dog is pregnant, and you should seriously prepare for childbirth , which can last from 3 to 24 hours. First, it is necessary to prepare a place in advance for the placement of the dog and the nascent puppies. It can be a box or something else. But one side should allow the mother to jump out, but not allow this for the puppies. There should be a possibility of heating, since the first 10-12 days the temperature will have to be maintained at a level of 28 degrees Celsius. We also need a place where the puppies will wait for the brothers and sisters, whom the mother will give birth for some time. There must be heat. Well, if you take delivery the dog will be able to help the veterinarian, who agreed in advance. Secondly, you need to prepare the essentials that you may need, and medicines, in case the birth of the bitch starts prematurely, before the arrival of the veterinarian.

Harbinger of birth in dogs

If you do not have the experience, then you should at least theoretically prepare for the way the birth takes place, learn all about the precursors of childbirth in dogs. You closely follow the future mother, so as not to miss the signs of approaching births at your beloved dog. 4-5 days before the birth, the abdomen of her lower, due to the omission of the uterus, and the ridge as it were, will separate. The dog will look thinner. This, especially, is evident in short-haired breeds. During pregnancy, the nipples of the dog increased, and the mammary glands swelled. This is undoubtedly noticeable in later terms. For 5 days before delivery, the colostrum can begin to separate. On the eve of labor, 1-2 days, with pressure, you can understand that the colostrum is a thick white-yellow liquid. One of the harbingers of labor in dogs is the increase and softening of the loop. This happens 48 hours before delivery. Allocations from it will become abundant. On the eve of childbirth it is necessary to shave the dog's stomach, all around the loop and the anal opening. If the hair is long, then it must be fixed with papillot.

Temperature in dogs before delivery

One of the signs of the approaching birth is the temperature change in dogs 12-24 hours before delivery. It falls by 1-2 degrees, falls below 37 degrees Celsius. Therefore it is necessary to measure it 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening, when the dog is in a calm state. During childbirth, the temperature will rise. Puppies calmed down before labor, cease to move. If you carefully follow the condition of the future woman in labor, do not be afraid to miss the signs of the onset of labor in the dog. Do not worry and do not fuss. Pay attention to her behavior. The behavior of the dog before delivery changes. She begins to worry, whine. Maybe even scrape the floor with his paws. Her breathing quickens. Fights will begin, and the time of delivery will come