Radiation from household appliances - a fee for comfort

It's no secret that household appliances make life easier and less carefree. But together with the undoubted advantage and convenience, household appliances bring certain harm to our lives. It is, first of all, the electromagnetic radiation that accompanies the operation of any electrical device. No matter how hard the technology developers try to reduce its possible impact on human health, it is not possible to fully shield electromagnetic waves. About what kind of household appliances can be called the most dangerous - read in our article.

Top-10 dangerous household appliances

  1. Leading the list of the most dangerous household appliances is a TV. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, we spend quite a lot of time with a TV company, and secondly, many do not adhere to recommendations regarding the ratio of the diagonal of the TV set and the size of the room. How to protect yourself from harmful radiation? Well, of course - less to watch TV and not to do it too close.
  2. The second place of honor is occupied by a microwave oven . The design of modern microwave ovens provides sufficient shielding against harmful radiation, but it does not guarantee complete safety, because there is enough microcrack in the case to be broken. Therefore, first of all, the microwave oven should be treated carefully, do not slam the door, and do not use the device with damage in the housing. Do not install a microwave in a living room or near a workplace in the office.
  3. Mobile and radiotelephones, in addition to communication facilities, can cause some harm to health. Let the manufacturers of tubes and claim that the radiation from the mobile phone is insignificant, but still it is not worth wearing it on the body: in the pocket of trousers or shirt.
  4. Refrigerators, however unfortunate, also do harm. Harm caused to health by the refrigerator, directly depends on the year of its release. The earlier this device was released, the fewer functions it performs, the less "technical bells and whistles" it has, the more it is safe for a person. To modern models, and especially to models equipped with a drop system, it is not worthwhile to approach for less than 20 cm.
  5. Electric kettles, which have become irreplaceable in almost any home and office, are also unsafe. At a distance of less than 20 cm, the radiation from them exceeds the permissible values, so turning on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.
  6. Energy-saving lamps have come to the liking of many townsfolk. But in addition to significant energy savings, these bulbs become a real time bomb. And it's all about mercury vapors that begin to leak into microscopic damage to the bulb, not to mention the broken lamps. In addition, "economical" lamps have a high degree of ultraviolet radiation, which means that they are harmful to people with skin diseases and very sensitive skin.
  7. Ironically, the damage to the health of an ordinary table lamp is commensurate with the harm caused by the TV. Therefore, it is better not to abuse reading under a table lamp, replacing it with more distant light sources.
  8. Washing and dishwashers during their work create a fairly powerful electromagnetic field. Therefore, during their work, you should not approach them closer than a meter.
  9. During cooking on an electric stove, you should not be closer to it than 25 cm. This is the distance considered to be safe by the level of electromagnetic radiation.
  10. Electric iron during heating becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 25 cm. That is why it is worthwhile to set it aside during heating to the side.