The stomach or belly hurts and toshnit the child

In most cases, when a child has a stomach ache and is still nauseous, Mom thinks that this is a banal poisoning. In most cases, it is. However, these symptoms can be observed with a disease such as gastroenteritis. With this pathology, vomiting may be accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal region, which the child complains of.

What are the main causes of vomiting in a child?

The reasons why the child has stomach aches and nausea are quite numerous. The main ones are:

Food poisoning is the most common phenomenon in which symptoms of this kind are observed. In this situation, in the first place, it is necessary to determine and exclude from the diet the dishes that caused vomiting. With severe poisoning in some cases, hospitalization is necessary.

When the child is nauseous and the abdomen is hurting, the mother should think about it, perhaps it is the symptoms of an infectious disease.

In young children, because of the imperfection of the vestibular apparatus, quite often caves in with a long trip. In such cases, vomiting is observed immediately after stopping, or exiting the transport, and is of a single character.

Thus, the reasons for which the child has a stomachache and vomiting, a lot. Therefore, it is very important to establish the one that caused this state. In order to do this correctly and timely, the parents at the first occurrence of pain in the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting, should consult a doctor who, after determining the cause, will prescribe the appropriate therapy.