Fluting corrugation

Many women of fashion saw and used hair iron with nozzles, but far from everyone knows what is called a curling iron for creating transverse waves - the answer is simple - it is curling corrugated. Flute corrugation is a special forceps designed for a special kind of hair curl. The hairstyle is produced with transverse waves of various sizes, the hair can then be laid or left loose. Using this device, each girl can give her hair volume and make a unique hairstyle.

According to the principle of action - it's ironing with different nozzles for smaller or larger waves.

How to choose a hair curler for hair?

In order not to harm the hair and get a tremendous effect, you need to be able to choose the right quality pincers. First of all, pay attention to the working surface of the device, its size and the ability to adjust the temperature.

The working surface of the corrugation tongs is made of metal or ceramics. More safe, of course, is the ceramic surface. Even better, if it additionally has a silver coating.

Of course, the cost of ceramic ironing will be higher than that of metal. But your hair will be protected from the possibility of damage.

Another parameter related to the forceps is the size of the working surface. Large pincers will allow you to make a haircut faster, since a large strand will immediately fall on the work surface. However, such devices are not particularly compact, and taking them with you on the road is not very convenient. While a small corrugated corrugation can easily enter any bag. So you need to choose the most acceptable option for yourself.

It is important that there is a heating temperature regulator on the curling iron. This will allow you to choose the optimal mode, so as not to overdry the hair.

Nozzles for corrugated corrugation

All pliers for corrugated hair styles can have three types of nozzles - small, medium and large. With the use of this or that nozzle, you can get different hairstyles, but you should take into account such nuances:

  1. With the help of a large nozzle on the corrugated corrugation it is possible to create wide waves, and it will suit only those who own long and thick hair.
  2. Thin and straight hair is best curled with a fine nozzle. Frequent and small waves are obtained.
  3. The average nozzle is optimal for any type of hair. And it is with such a nozzle that the volume at the roots of the hair is different.

You can always combine two types of attachments at once: use the middle ones for the roots, and make the ends fine.

How to use a curling iron for corrugation?

After a short training, each girl can make herself a hairstyle using forceps. Before that, the head needs to be washed and well dried. On wet hair, forceps can not be used, otherwise you will simply burn your hair.

Before you start, apply a protective agent on your head to protect your hair from high temperatures. Then divide the hair into small strands. In turn, curl each strand, moving from the roots to the ends. It is enough to keep the hair in the tongs for 5 seconds. When you're done with all the strands, sprinkle your hair with varnish to keep the hairstyle longer.

Which corrugated corrug is better?

And finally a small review of the flat-goffered: