How to behave with her husband?

Shouts of "Bitter!" Have not cooled down in your memory, and the domestic and emotional difficulties are already on their heels? You can be congratulated, the real family life comes - without rose-colored glasses and adoration in sight. Somewhere there are flowers, bouquets and festivities under the moon, washing dishes is increasingly replacing you with a joint trip to the cinema, and quarrels over trifles, spouses with friends and suspicious sms from "girlfriends of friends" are increasingly inclined to depression. You were not an ideal wife? Or was it not what you thought it was? Let's see what happens in families after the wedding and how to build a relationship with her husband.

Psychology of relations between husband and wife

Problems in relations with her husband - a phenomenon to date is not surprising. And the main reason for this is the broken illusions that a woman feeds on her chosen one. At the beginning of a relationship, even the shortcomings seem to be virtues. But time goes on, and gradually the veil of charm drops, and we see the true "face" of our spouse. Scattered everywhere socks, couches in front of a TV set with beer and hiking to friends - this is not the most terrible reason for constant quarrels. On the other hand, your husband may also not have imagined an ideal wife. And mutual reproaches begin, who is right, and who is to blame. In fact, everyone is not right in their own way. Few realize that a family is not just a stamp in a passport. Relationships are a constant and painstaking work. And both partners should be interested in this work. Every word, step and act is an investment in the future and how much labor you spend to support the family hearth depends on how long your union will last. But if time is a little lost and quarrels already take place to be? How in this case to change the relationship with her husband? For this, there are rules that must be followed.

Psychology of relationship with her husband

The woman's biggest mistake is the confidence that everything will change after the wedding, the husband will not go anywhere and she will be able to change it. Let it not be a disappointment for you, but men do not change, and the stamp in the passport will never stop the person who decided to say goodbye to you. Therefore, to marry is not worth it. First of all, try to see the person with all his shortcomings before you officially associate your life with him. But if you are already married and your relationship does not suit you at all, some tips will help you how to behave properly with your husband:

  1. Remember that you are not alone. Even the most lasting relationships can destroy indifference. And the man will not like it when he comes home, he does not see that someone is happy and that he is met.
  2. There is one joke about women's logic: "I thought of it myself - I was offended myself." Try to get rid of this habit. Men will never guess what you want until you say it out loud. And hints, resentments and offended snuffs all night will bring nothing but negative.
  3. Never decide for two. Even if it seems to you that it will be better. Your man and you could make decisions on your own, and if an idea appeared in your head, discuss it on the family council. But do not impose your point of view. The solution must be mutual.
  4. Do not strain the man with momentary wishes. For example, wash the dishes, throw out the garbage or repair the faucet. You need him to get up right now and do everything, and he may be tired, or he has no mood. Do not insist. Let him fulfill your request when he has time and desire.
  5. In order not to provoke a complicated relationship with her husband, treat everything easier. From the fact that you are nervous, the toilet bowl can not be fixed by itself, and garbage in any case will remain for a couple of days. Over the years, women are so used to the fact that a man swings for such "great things" for a long time, that it does not irritate.
  6. If a man still decided to do something, do not interfere with his advice and recommendations. Better go to another room, and let the husband finish the work. Better then if you do not like, remake yourself.
  7. If you have such a bad relationship with your husband that you often quarrel, try not to get insulted. You will reconcile, and insult from your words will remain, and will be accumulated for many years, and sooner or later it will result in irreparable consequences.
  8. Your mistrust is a serious reason to undermine the relationship. Do not go to such humiliation, to climb into his phone, read his mail, etc. Remember that your jealousy is caused, above all, by your insecurity, and not by the fact that your husband gives occasions, which in most cases are not.
  9. Do not be silent if you do not like something. A good relationship with her husband is only among those women who are not afraid to talk to him about the problems. He did something wrong - tell him about it. Silence you risk pour on him a tub of complaints, and they will invariably be followed by a scandal.

And finally. Before you fall in love with your man with all his faults, learn to love yourself. Next to a self-sufficient and confident woman, any chosen one can flourish like a flower of the overseas. A man begins to believe in himself, if next to him is a woman who believes in him. Remember this and work hard to prevent quarrels and misunderstandings in your family. And then you will not come up with the question of how to behave with your husband.