Russian nicknames for dogs of boys

The name for the dog should reflect its nature, features, therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of the name of your pet very responsibly. In addition, do not forget that the very first team that the puppy recognizes is his nickname. Hearing her, the dog should immediately pay attention to the owner. And this means that it is worth choosing an unusual and memorable nickname.

How to choose a name for a dog?

Experienced cynologists advise choosing not too long a nickname for the dog. Well, when it has 3-4 syllables, which can be pronounced quickly and clearly. In addition, dogs respond better to those names that contain voiced consonants, but the sibilants, on the contrary, are not very well received by the animal's ear.

It is not customary to call dogs human names, since on a walk you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, calling your pet, and thereby attracting a completely unfamiliar person whose name simply coincided with the dog's nickname.

Russian Dog Nicknames

Russian nicknames for dogs of boys are often formed with the help of highlighting some distinctive feature of the dog: for example, Thunder - barking loudly, and Pirozhok - plump and cheerful. When choosing a name, you should not forget about the breed and the size of the dog. Agree, the German shepherd with the name Pushok will look very comical.

Among the Russian nicknames for dogs you can name: Bandit, Bosyak, Boar, Warrior, Vulcan, Garik, Grozny, Thunder, Savage, Dobrynya, Druzhok, Cake, Koshkadav, Handsome, Bear, Lightning, Hermit, Puzan, Puff, Whistle, Elephant, Tail, Tsar, Sunny and many others.

If we talk about breeds, it's very natural that Russian nicknames are suitable for hounds. This breed has its own traditions in naming puppies: they must, in one way or another, reflect the spirit and character of the hunt - the main purpose of the breed: Catch up, Extract, Koshkadav - talk about the appointment of a dog, Bass, Whistle, Signal, Screamer, Pewun, Anxiety - characterize the voices of animals that sound during the chase.

The names for Russian spaniel- males are also chosen on the basis of individual traits of character and appearance: Obo, Tsar, Beckas, Casanova, Murik, Karo, Kroha, Buyan, Malysh, Igrun, Tim, Amber, Boykiy, Chuk, Rome, Karat, Druzhok and etc.

The names of Russian Toy Terriers can be serious or playful: Ilf, Single, Epifan, Chopik, Danila, Dude, Chocho, Stepa, Dragon, Gopher, Eroshka, Pampus, Peter, Pig.