Sex after menopause

Climax , despite the fact that it is a natural age process, frightens and worries most women. Approaching menopause causes a number of questions, the main one of which is whether the menopause affects sex life.

Is there sex after menopause?

Definitely, the answer to this question is yes. Experiences on this topic are often unfounded. As the statistics show, only a small percentage of women after the onset of menopause decreases libido, while the vast majority of sexual attraction only increases.

Do you want sex after menopause?

Whether the sex life after the menopause is intense and vibrant, largely depends on the woman herself and her partner. As you know, sex drive is not a physiological phenomenon, it is a psychological phenomenon. Accordingly, if a woman does not face any insurmountable internal barriers, sex after menopause in women will remain at a high sensory level, despite the onset of menopause.

How to overcome the psychological barrier?

Unfortunately, most women consider the climax a herald of old age, which often causes psychological barriers. The woman ceases to feel her sexuality, notices the first signs of the withering of beauty. This causes complexes in it, it becomes more enserced in love caresses. To cope with such a state will help to look at things from a positive point of view. Sex after menopause has its pluses, such as reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy. In addition, regular sex can remove a number of symptoms that characterize menopause: mood swings, high blood pressure, migraines.

Menopause in women and sex - the concepts are quite compatible.

The main thing is to have the right inner spirit and mutual understanding with the partner. If the relationship is strong, then menopause will not affect your sex life in any way!