Shades of hair

Each of us, from birth, gives birth to a certain amount of melanin - the pigments contained in the hair. The quantitative ratio of eumelanin and feomalanin is the factor that determines the color of the hair the person has. The predominance of the first leads to the fact that the shades of the color of the hair will be dark. If more pheomelanin, then the hair will be light.

It is generally accepted that there are six colors of hair, and their owners are called brunettes, shatens, reds, blondes, blondes and gray, respectively. But not everything is so simple. Each of these colors is characterized by an abundance of various shades, which makes us so different and unique. But whatever the color of hair nature has not endowed a woman, at least once, but she will think about his change. And the beauty industry, which annually produces hair coloring products, only encourages the natural shades of hair colors to be strengthened, emphasized or even radically changed.

Dark shades

The shades of dark hair color are so diverse that it is impossible to list them all. But they have one thing in common: depth of color, saturation, brightness, brilliance. They can be brownish, reddish, and blue-black. The most popular dark shades of hair are chestnut, plum, cherry, graphite, violet and eggplant. If you have fair skin , you should choose the colors of the dark-brown spectrum. For the skin of an average tone, saturated black shades are also suitable, but the red tint in them should be avoided. Girls with tanned skin are fit almost all colors and shades of black, brown, but the bluish tide can give the skin a greenish tinge.

Color "brown", which can be both dark and light, includes all shades from dark-brown to deep chestnut. This is perhaps the only natural color that is so rich in shades that even the most modern compositions for professional hair coloring can not recreate them. Golden, chocolate, caramel, frosty, ashy - these fashionable hair colors allow girls with blue or light brown eyes to look stunning!

Ginger colour

Only 3% of women around the world can boast of natural hair of red color. Not surprisingly, they are considered extravagant and unusual. But the owner of hair of a different color can try on this image. The benefit of modern professional paints works wonders! Beautiful shades of dark red hair - copper, cherry, burgundy, copper brown, light - light copper, golden, ginger, strawberry. Girls who choose in favor of any shade of red, you should remember that all the pigment spots and freckles will look more noticeable.

Light shades

Blonde are considered girls with light blond hair, blondes and gray-haired. Hair of light color are met quite often, but not always their natural shade suits the owners. The fact that the hair of blondes do not always have a beautiful color. It can be grayish, yellow. Stylists believe that coloring light hair is not an easy task, since the slightest mistake can lead to the appearance of a greenish, purple or bluish tint on the hair, which is almost impossible to eliminate without damage to the health of the hair. The most popular shades of light hair color - wheat, golden, caramel, ashy, apricot. Hair shades for blondes are somewhat wider - honey, ashy, golden, silvery, vanilla, flax, pearl.

Choosing the right shade

There are two basic rules regarding how to choose a shade of hair. The first is that you need to evaluate your own color scale, including skin color, eye, that is color-type. The second rule is to take into account the purpose of dyeing the hair. If you want to look natural, you should choose natural colors and shades. Young girls can experiment with bright unnatural colors, and older women should choose in favor of soft warm light shades.