Carrot tops - medicinal properties and contraindications

The historical information reached to modern man confirms that the above-ground green shoots of this culture began to be consumed much earlier than the root crop itself. There is information that the ancient Greek healer Pedanius Dioscorides attributed the tops to medicinal plants used to treat a variety of diseases. Even then, people knew about the medicinal properties of carrot tops and its contraindications, using this knowledge for their own purposes.

Composition and useful properties of carrot leaves

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vegetable tops include vitamins C , K, A, Group B, minerals - selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, sodium, magnesium, as well as chlorophyll, phytoncides, essential oils, etc. As for vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and promotes the absorption of iron, it is 6 times more in the tops than in the root crop itself. The aerial part is distinguished by a high content of carotene and calcium, but the concentration of chlorophyll depends on the condition of green shoots, although this substance is present in dried leaves. Chlorophyll purifies blood from harmful impurities, fights with edema, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system.

Potassium, together with magnesium, supports the function of the heart muscle. The disinfecting properties of carrot leaves give grounds to use it to combat toothache. The juice obtained from above-ground shoots is used for topical treatment of herpes and stomatitis. In the latter case, it is bred in half with water, add a little honey and rinse your mouth.

Cooking recipes

Tops of orange root are widely used in cooking for cooking salads, first courses, baking stuffs, etc. And there are a lot of ways to prepare medicinal potions from them:

  1. The healing properties of the decoction of carrot leaves are used to stimulate the work of the intestine. To get rid of constipation 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves should be filled with 1 glass of freshly boiled water and put on fire. Boil for 5 minutes, after cooling, pass through the filter and take a quarter cup three times during the entire waking period. The same broth can be used topically to treat allergies and dermatitis .
  2. Useful properties of carrot leaves for women give grounds to apply it in the treatment of cystitis and other genito-urinary infections. For this it is useful to drink pure infusion of green shoots, brewing them like tea. In addition, it can also be used to rinse hair and prepare healing masks for the face, designed to clean it from freckles.
  3. When joint pains, it is recommended to make compresses from fresh leaves. They also use in the therapy of prostatitis, and to the nape of the casting is recommended to apply for insomnia and headache.

It is proved that regularly consuming carrot tops in food, you can improve your eyesight and increase its sharpness. The phytoncides contained in the aerial part are the most potent biologically active substances that kill pathogenic microorganisms, so it should be eaten by everyone who suffers from any ailments caused by the activity of harmful bacteria. In addition, it is an excellent cancer prevention, because some scientists believe that the culprit of oncological diseases are precisely the bacteria.


Carrot leaves have not only useful properties, but contraindications. It is able to stimulate labor activity, therefore it is contraindicated in pregnant women, although it can also benefit if the patient "pans". In addition, it is not recommended to eat green shoots to people with diseases of the digestive system. In any case, there is always a risk of individual intolerance, and some people, when they come into contact with the leaves, develop a rash and irritation due to the presence of furocoumarins in them.