Bow - planting and care

Onion is used in the preparation of many dishes, and some cooks from it even manage to make ice cream. But in this article, it's not about this, but about growing and caring for onions.

Onion - planting and care

Cultivation of onions is carried out in 2 stages, so care for it in different periods will vary. The first stage is the planting of onions with seeds and the subsequent care for sowing. They plant a bow in the beds on April 20-25. Before planting, the seeds are placed in hot (45-50 ° C) water for 15 minutes to kill fungal diseases. For sowing, you need to choose a dry and sunny place, it's good that the forerunners of the onions should be tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, peas, beans. The depth of planting of onion seeds is 2 cm, the distance between the seedlings is 2 cm, between the ridges is 15 cm. Before the emergence of seedlings, it is better to cover the ridge with film on arcs. Watering once a week in May-June, if the weather is dry and hot, then - 2 times a week. Since July, watering should be reduced. Ripe sowing is dried and sorted, large for storage, small - for planting under the winter.

The second stage is planting the onion and caring for it to obtain full-blown bulbs. Winter onion planting begins in early October. In the spring, the sowing is planted in the first ten days of May, the soil must be heated to 12 ° C. The bulbs are deepened 4 cm into the soil, the distance between them is 10 cm, between the beds - 25 cm. Care of the onions is simple - timely watering, weeding and loosening of the soil twice a month.

Leeks - planting, rearing and care

To get a crop of leek in one season, it is necessary to prepare seedlings. Seeds are sown on March 20-25, the temperature by that time should not fall below 18-20 ° C in the daytime and 14-15 ° C at night. About a month and a half later the seedlings can be planted in the open ground. The distance between the beds makes 20 cm, their depth should be 10-15 cm. The distance between the shoots is 10-25 cm, depending on the variety. Leaves and roots of seedlings should be shortened by a third, after planting the onion immediately watered. Further watering is done every 5 days. After the plants take root, they are hilled to the first leaf. The first fertilizing is done by the mullein (1:10) in the third week after planting. After 15-20 after that, mineral fertilizers are used. The last top dressing is done in the middle of July.

Bow shallow-planting and care

Planting shallots is made in early spring, as soon as the soil temperature allows, or late autumn, for the winter. To prevent the disease a week before planting, they are heated for 8 hours at 40 ° C. The distance between the bulbs is 8-10 cm, the distance between the rows is 20 cm, the depth of planting is 2-4 cm. The bulbs are planted in moist soil, if the land is dry, then it must be moistened before planting. The plant is rather unpretentious, therefore in the middle belt only weeding and periodic loosening of the soil is required. Shallots should be watered only when drought. Harvest the onion from the end of July until the second week of August, as soon as the casting begins to die. Late with the cleaning of the shallot is not recommended, since the onion can begin to germinate.

Indian onion - planting and care

Although this plant is called onion, but with garden cultivation has a remote similarity. Indian (Chinese) onion plant room. It looks like a green bulb sticking out of the ground with the leaves growing out of it. Indian onion is unsuitable for eating (poisonous), but it is often applied externally for the treatment of many diseases. The Indian onion multiplies by children - small onions, departing from the mother plant. To the content, illumination, soil, Indian onions do not impose special requirements. In winter, the plant, in order not to stretch too much, should be placed in a room with a temperature of 6-8 ° C. With the onset of spring, if there are strongly stretched leaves, the plant is cut off. In summer, the onion can be transferred to fresh air. Although Indian onions can be grown outdoors, they plant it in May, protecting them from frosts, and cleaning them in September.