Signs on the wedding - what can you do that you can not?

Of course, a wedding is a special day in the life of every person. After all, people do not get married very often, and everyone thinks that this marriage will be the only one. Well, in ancient times, when the majority of customs and customs took shape, marriage, and in fact, with rare exceptions, was one for life, because it was difficult, almost impossible, to get a divorce .

The most famous signs

The most famous signs for a wedding about what can and can not be done are connected with the concept of the evil eye. In ancient times, people believed in the possibility of the evil eye and tried to avoid its harmful influence. Therefore, the wedding sang "Coraline" (from the word "reproach" - scold, reproach) songs in which they scolded and called the groom and the bride. By the way, the custom of crying for a wedding is also associated with ancient superstitions: then they believed that the house is homeowner - patron and buildings, and people. And if the girl does not cry, showing grief from parting with his brownie, then he will be offended and will harm her.

Today, many people believe that you can not show the dress before the wedding. As the reason most call it the same evil eye: they will not look at the dress, they will envy, and everything will go wrong as planned. But in fact earlier the meaning of this bad omen before the wedding was understood quite differently. Scientists say that our ancestors were afraid, no matter how trivial the dress was stolen, because it was richly decorated with everything that could be obtained.

Wedding "calendar" signs

No less famous sign says that you can not marry in May, but it is also connected, of course, not with the name of the month (May - May), but with the fact that in May there was simply no time to get married - after all, the work is complete, "in the spring day you will miss - you will not make up for a year. " The wedding at this time could even threaten to ruin.

A lot of superstitions are connected with the wedding in a leap year, signs are all bad. It is believed that marriage in such a year does not follow, marriages are more often broken up. However, the statistics do not confirm this. But if there are concerns about this, then it's better to wait a little, because the mood has a very strong effect on life.

But as for the wedding on the full moon, the signs portend her good luck. Marriage will be long and happy.

Funny sign is due to the fact that if the wedding on an even day, the first child will be a boy, in an odd one - a girl.

As for whether it is possible to transfer the date of the wedding, there is no such sign. Naturally, sometimes you have to transfer what to do. However, it seems, in the registry office for it they take some symbolic penalty. What can be considered a bad idea that has come to pass, you will have to pay some compensation.

Signs related to gifts

These signs must be taken more carefully. But not because they often come true, but simply not to upset people by chance on such a happy day for them and not to make them suspect of bad intentions, and their family life - in a tendency to disintegrate.

First, sharp and cutting objects, towels and bed linen (which, as far as we know, is usually considered a fine gift in this regard). And as for sharp objects, then radical predictors include even roses (thorns!) in their number. Traditionally, it is considered that it is impossible to give only red roses: they symbolize passion, and such a demonstration of feelings at the wedding is inappropriate!

Clock. After all, happy hours are not being watched - why do they need a watch? This, however, is generally considered an unsuitable gift.

It is not customary to give mirrors, antiques and jewelry.

It is best to give young people something of technology or items that will be useful to them on the farm.