Sanguine and sanguine compatibility

We know about different types of temperament from school, there we define our type, and there we forget about it. And in vain, this information can help to make a prediction of relations. Absolutely accurate, he certainly will not, but at least you will know what to expect about your partner.

Compatibility sanguine and sanguine

Surprisingly charming sanguine can charge his cheerfulness, anyone. Such people are usually sociable and smiling, it seems that they are happy to see everyone - a boss, a daughter, colleagues, a neighbor's dog, a tattered cat, a janitor. From this we can conclude that to doubt the compatibility of the sanguine and sanguine, as well as choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic is not worth it. Such a person is able to find a common language with anyone, so why not be an ideal partner? In fact, not everything is so simple, in the almost perfect sanguine appearance there is one very undesirable moment - the inability to go to the end. If necessary, make significant efforts to achieve the goal , the sanguine better choose a more reachable destination than will go to sacrifice for the sake of a dream. And okay, when one of the partners is in a pair, but do you imagine what will happen if both are like that? Saves only the fact that pure types of temperament is almost never found, so with the compatibility of sanguine and sanguine, everything is not so bad, they really can live on one territory. But it will very often quarrel, most often because of jealousy, since both are incredibly charming.

Sanguine and other types of temperament

Due to his leadership qualities, the sanguine person will be interested in the choleric, seeing in it his reflection. Representatives of both temperaments are emotionally enthusiastic about new beginnings. The compatibility of choleric and sanguine would be absolute, if they had no expressed desire to lead. Therefore, a bright, good relationship awaits the couple, but only until they decide to compete for the championship. And this will always happen, since everyone must necessarily be a leader.

But a sanguine and a melancholic can boast of perfect compatibility, in this pair there will be practically no cause for quarrels. Sanguine will receive the desired leadership, and his partner will willingly obey. Melancholic is also comfortable in such relationships, all complex decisions will be taken for him.

The most unsuccessful from the point of view of compatibility of temperaments of steam - sanguine and phlegmatic, it will be very difficult for them to live together. The first one wants freedom, so he will pull to the last with the registration of relations and the taking on of additional responsibility. A phlegmatic need confidence, so the partner's carelessness will oppress him. As a result, quarrels on this ground will constantly accompany the couple.

Having learned that your temperament types are incompatible, do not rush to get upset, as there are no pure types in nature, and, perhaps, you have some character traits that will make the complex relationships very warm and sincere.