Reasons for divorce

Of course, not a single bride, putting on a ring with trembling hands, is not thinking about divorce, that the person standing opposite will become so unpleasant that he will not want to see or hear him. And yet it is not uncommon, statistics on this account is rather sad. In Russia, 57% of couples are divorced, while in Ukraine the divorce rate is 48%. What are the reasons for the breakdown of families, why did divorce turn from a last resort into ordinary life? Let's try to understand the reasons for the divorce.

The main causes of divorce

Why do families break up? Each divorced couple has a different history of divorce, but psychologists identify six reasons for the breakup of the family, which are considered to be the main ones.

  1. If we talk about the reasons for the divorce of young families, the first line in the list will take such an excuse, as unready for marriage. Often such couples decide to marry in a love euphoria. And that they have no idea about the family life. As a result, unwillingness to listen to another person, make concessions, and in the end a divorce.
  2. Another, no less popular reason for divorce, are the addictions of one of the spouses. Alcoholism, drug addiction, game addiction, all this makes the family life unbearable. And if the addict also does not want to get rid of the bad habit, there is only one way out - a divorce.
  3. Among the reasons for the breakdown of the family is often called adultery. Change can be understood, explained, but it's very difficult to forgive. Many simply do not want to put up with a similar attitude of a partner and are submitted for divorce.
  4. Quite often the couple decides to divorce because of a lack of money in the family, the inability to improve their financial situation. An important role is played by the lack of funds for providing the family with a separate dwelling - living with parents is always a serious test for a couple.
  5. Perhaps you will be surprised, but when asked why the families break up, psychologists respond that the spouses have different views on life, in other words, they did not agree with the characters. This difference is especially pronounced in the union of people from different social strata. For example, one of the spouses has a higher education, good work, has got used to have a rest at resorts (even domestic ones), is keen on reading intellectual books. Another did not even try to enter the university, he likes digging in the garden instead of vacations and can not understand what can be found on the pages of books. While love has them, such differences are not noticeable. But after, when feelings a little subside, it becomes clear that these people have nothing in common, well, what kind of family is this?
  6. Also, the causes of divorce may be sexual dissatisfaction or health problems, in particular, with reproductive health. Often, instead of addressing a specialist for solving problems, the couple decides to divorce.

Signs of an early disintegration of the family

The destruction of family relations does not happen spontaneously, partner's dissatisfaction with each other accumulates gradually, day after day, until it results in a decision on divorce. How to understand that there is a discord in the family?

Basically, it's a cold in a relationship. We are talking about sex - the couple increasingly prefer him a healthy sleep for the whole night. If we talk about everyday communication, then there are two possible options: the husband and his wife practically do not communicate, confining themselves to dry remarks, or they say constantly, but only about children, everyday problems, without trying to find a common topic for conversation. Spouses cease to share their joys and problems, they do not want to learn something about each other. A neighbor on the bed is perceived as an annoying addition, which for the time being excuses material prosperity, the status of a family man, common little children.