Oatmeal for weight loss

Many people who are overweight often ask whether it is possible to lose weight on oatmeal, since there are several rather conflicting opinions on this score. It turns out that losing weight on oatmeal is quite realistic and moreover, this groats are great for losing weight and cleansing the body, thanks to the fiber contained in it.

It is the fiber that helps normalize digestion, improve the intestinal microflora, accelerate metabolic processes and remove unnecessary decay products from the body. In addition, oatmeal is very useful because the mucous mass, formed during cooking, envelops the walls of the stomach and thereby protects it from all sorts of irritants.

There are several options how to lose weight using oatmeal: hard and gentle.

Hard method

If you stick to this method, you can throw off up to 7 kg per week. But to lose weight that way, you need only oatmeal without oil, salt, sugar, etc., and cook it exclusively on water, no milk. If you do not want to cook, you can simply boil the porridge, fill it with boiling water and cover it, let it stand for 15 minutes. For the first three days, you can drink oatmeal only with herbal infusions or green tea, and on the fourth day you can enter one green apple into the menu. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. This rule is worth remembering and using it even after the end of the diet.

Gentle mode

Rigid diet is very effective, but very difficult, since there is one fresh oatmeal for a week not everyone can. Therefore, we offer your attention another option, how to lose weight on oatmeal quickly, but with less deprivation for the body. This diet involves the use of oatmeal with any fruit or dried fruit in the proportion of 250 grams of porridge per 100 g of fruit. Also allowed is the addition of a small amount (50 grams) of nuts and a few teaspoons of honey. Eat all this you should for three meals, and between them you can also pamper yourself with fruit (not more than 100 g). The duration of such a diet is 2 weeks, during which you can lose from 7 to 10 kg.

Recipes from oatmeal for weight loss

So, we have already found out if you can lose weight by eating oatmeal, and now we offer you several recipes for making this porridge, which will make the menu of your diet more pleasant and diverse.

Kissel from oatmeal

To make this drink, pour the porridge with boiled water from the evening, determine the amount depending on how much you want to get the finished product. In the morning, mix everything thoroughly and strain. The resulting oat milk, bring to a boil, stirring all the time, add a little cinnamon and honey to improve it and turn it off. Drink jelly at any time of the day.

Oatmeal with cottage cheese

Boil or steal the porridge and mix it with a few spoons of cottage cheese, you will have a very delicate and satisfying dish.

Oatmeal with carrots

Porridge as much as you like. Carrots grate on a fine grater and leave to stand a little so that she let the juice. Then add a little fat-free sour cream to it, and combine all this with oatmeal. Stir well and try.

Oat drink for body cleansing



Pour the oats into a 3-liter jar, add to it the germinated oat grains and fill it with chilled boiled water. Stir well and leave to infuse and wander for at least 12 hours (preferably 24 hours). Keep the prepared drink in the fridge, before use, always shake and filter. To improve the taste in a glass with a drink, you can add a teaspoon of honey.