Singing chalices of Tibet

In the world there are many unusual and wonderful things that make our life brighter and more interesting. To mysterious things, for example, are the so-called singing cups of Tibet, which are believed to produce a curative effect. We will tell you what it is and how to use it.

What are the singing chalices of Tibet?

The chalices of Tibet are a kind of bell that has long been used as a musical instrument. It is not specially suspended or fixed. The music of singing bowls is born from the vibration of their walls and edges. Created singing bowls were still in ancient times Buddhists for meditation, reading sutras. Traditionally, the singing bowls are called Tibetan, because they were mainly produced in the areas adjacent to the Tibetan Plateau. But in addition, this musical instrument was made in India, Korea, Nepal, China.

Long ago the singing bowls made from an alloy of 5-9 metals - copper, iron, zinc, tin with the addition of silver or gold. Modern products are made of bronze, without the addition of precious metals. There are even crystal singing bowls. The size of instruments can reach from 10 cm to several meters.

How to use the singing bowls?

In addition to religious purposes, singing bowls have recently been widely used in various medical practices and in yoga . It is believed that a long listening to the music, which the singing bowl emits, leads to a change in the state of the spirit and consciousness of man. This is due to the fact that the organs of the body, which have their own oscillation frequency, come into resonance with the bowls when sounded and imperceptibly vibrate for the person. As a result, the body relaxes. That's why the use of Tibetan singing bowls for meditation is so popular.

Often, singing bowls are used to purify the space of accumulated negative energy. With a sounding cup in your hands, you have to go around every room in the house clockwise, not forgetting to visit every corner.

Some healers and doctors of alternative medicine use the singing bowls of Tibet for the treatment of many diseases, in particular of a mental nature. The bowls are often used for massage, which causes relaxation, improves immunity, relieves stress, neurosis, etc.

To independently activate the singing bowl you need a special wooden stick. To produce sound, it is driven along the outer edge of the instrument, due to which a characteristic vibration arises. And if you pour a little water in the bowl, the sound will change.