How to teach a child to quickly count?

Training in an oral account can begin as soon as the child learns to speak (after one and a half years). But the majority of parents push it back to a later date. After all, by the age of 4-5 the baby already understands what his parents want from him and he is most interested in acquiring new knowledge. Let's find out how quickly to teach a child to count without forcing his child, but by motivating him.

How quickly and correctly to teach the child to count to 10?

As in any kind of training, at an early age for an infant the example of the elders is very important, because the child seeks to imitate the adults in everything:

  1. In order to teach a child of any age account of up to ten, you need to read aloud every day all around, as if to yourself - spoons when washing dishes, flower pots on the windowsill, toys, folded in a box. Soon the child himself will begin to repeat familiar words for his mother. But for him to understand their meaning and purpose, it will take time.
  2. On walks, try to focus on the account as much as possible within the first ten - first up to five, and then on. You can count anything - cars on the road, trees, dogs, moms with strollers. Over time, the baby realizes that each digit means the amount of what he saw. But what exactly the child sees and can feel, he remembers best, and not some abstract figures on paper.
  3. When the child already without hesitation will reproduce the first ten, do not hasten to pass to the second. At this stage, he will need to master the inverse account and get acquainted with the figure zero. For someone it is difficult, but someone is given easily. It is important to regularly conduct short lessons, while giving an illustrative example - there were 10 toys, and one by one my mother began to clean up in a box. A zero is when there is nothing left.

Learning the account will be more smooth if you use various visual aids in the process. With their role will perfectly cope:

All these games with a mathematical bias allow us to develop the analytical component of thinking.

How to quickly teach a child to count to 20?

At the age of 4 years and older it is recommended to begin to teach the baby a score of up to 20 or more. But you should not force events, suggesting to remember too much information at once, as you can for a long time repulse the desire to engage in mathematics:

  1. To study the figures of the second ten, various visual aids will be needed, which can be recounted. Best of all, this role will suit your favorite toys. So the kid will play at the same time, and do math.
  2. Studying the digital series from 10 to 20, the kid gets acquainted with the concepts of the first and second ten. To do this, he needs to explain that the number 11 is 10 + 1 (and the name is easy to remember if to the number 1 just add the ending "-teen") and so on. Lessons need to be carried out with the help of counting sticks, buttons, beads for clarity.
  3. It is useful to train the thinking and memory of the baby, offering him to find the neighbors of the number. For example, the number 12 is 11 and 13.

How to quickly teach a child to count to 100?

Some of the children easily master the score to one hundred, but it is difficult for someone. Let's find out how to help the kid in this difficult matter:

  1. First, the child should be told that the numeric range to 100 is nine tens. All of them have a zero at the end: 10, 20, 30 - it's good if they are not dirty words, but bright cards.
  2. In the composition of each of the tens there are units - the same figures as in the first ten, and they should also be counted in a familiar order. Do not teach a small child to count at once dozens - it only confuses it. You have to do it right away: 20, 21,22, 23 and on.
  3. It is very useful at the age of 4-5 years to play in the store - to introduce the child to the concept of money - paper bills and trivia. Over time, it will come to how to properly give money for goods and count the change. In addition to the game, every time in the supermarket should pay attention to the child's price tags.
  4. It is very useful to play in lotto, where dozens and units are both in the palm of your hand and are remembered very quickly during the game.
  5. A wonderful find for Mom - hang in a child's growth meter. After all, you can use it not only for its intended purpose, but also visually see the structure of the dozens.

To the child later it was easier to learn, you need to try, so that by the school age he has mastered the account within the first hundred and became friends with the composition of the number.