Soap bubble generator

Reflecting on the organization of family holidays, moms often reflect on how to make this event more interesting and memorable. Particularly carefully parents are preparing for the birthday of their children, as well as other children's celebrations.

In this case, you should think about bubbles, because it is known that guys of all ages adore such entertainment. Indeed, they raise the mood not only to kids, but also to adults. To do this, you can use a soap bubble generator, with the help of which it will be possible to make the celebration unforgettable. Therefore it is worth to learn more about this device and its principle of operation.

Types of bubble generators

The principle of operation of all units is approximately the same. A special solution of the device is poured with a soap solution, which, under the influence of the air pressure, moves to the moving stencils. This is exactly how colorful colorful bubbles turn out.

Despite the similar principle of operation, the devices are significantly different.

There are children's generators of soap bubbles, which are a bright plastic toy. Such a device looks elegantly, it is pleasant to children, it can be easily carried in hands and even give to children. But from such a device you should not wait for a large number of bubbles. At the same time, such a generator will be a good choice for a small family celebration.

Also there are professional generators, which are used by the organizers of various events, as well as in the show. There are such types of devices:

If parents want to decorate the holiday, then it is not necessary to buy the device, as it is often practiced renting such equipment.

Homemade bubble generator

You can also make an analog of such a device yourself. Of course, it does not compare with a professional device, but children will be equally happy. Dads can easily cope with the task of making a machine, so it is worth considering how to make a bubble generator yourself.

First you need to make the base of the machine, in which the soap solution will be poured in the future . Then from the piece of plastic you need to cut a circle, and in it also make holes through which bubbles will be blown. Then you need to connect the motor with the reducer and the fan (the one that is used for cooling the computer is perfect).

You can use one more idea of ​​the device. To do this, you need to purchase sprayers for the aquarium, as well as a cylinder with oxygen. To it, you need to attach a few hoses, spray the sprays on the ends of the tubes and put them into a soapy solution. To start the presentation, you just need to open the valve of the cylinder.

Liquid for the generator of soap bubbles

Those who decided to use such a device, the question arises where to take a solution for the machine. You can buy ready-made liquid in the store. Now manufacturers offer non-toxic solutions that do not leave a stain.

You can also prepare the liquid yourself. You can offer a simple method that will be available to everyone. It is necessary to mix 100 ml of shampoo, 50 ml of glycerin and 300 ml of water. This mixture can be poured into the generator and enjoy the self-made show.