How to lose weight in the cheeks?

Round and chubby cheeks can greatly impair the appearance of even a slender girl. The fullness of the face in most cases is hereditary. Another reason may be anatomical features. Cheeks can be plump because of an overabundance of water in the body, which provokes swelling. The most common cause is a layer of fat.

How to lose weight in the cheeks?

To lose weight, including in the cheeks, it is necessary to solve the problem in a complex manner. First you need to cope with swelling and limit the amount of salt consumed, because it is the cause of the water retention in the body. Another puffiness may appear after consuming alcoholic beverages. To the body does not accumulate liquid, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Want to lose weight in the cheeks quickly, then correct your diet, as excessive consumption of fat leads to an increase in volume. Build a diet so that you can spend more calories than you consume. Turn on the menu a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Refuse from fatty, sweet, flour and salted.

How to lose weight in the cheeks - exercises

There is a special gymnastics, which will get rid of the hated cheeks. Before you go to training, you should wash your face and apply a cream suitable for the skin type.

What to do to lose weight cheeks:

  1. Let's start with an effective exercise of yoga . Slightly open your mouth and slowly raise the left corner of the mouth and fix the position of the muscle at the top point, and then, pull up and the right corner of the mouth. The task is to inhale air through the right corner of the mouth and exhale through the left. After that, repeat everything in the other direction. To complete the exercise, draw as much air as possible, inflating your cheeks, and then exhale with effort, curling his lips into a tube. On inhaling and exhaling it is necessary to spend for 5 seconds.
  2. Understanding what to do to lose weight, it is impossible not to remember the effective exercise of Carol Maggio. Slowly open your mouth in such a way that your lips form an oval. Put your hands on your cheeks and stretch your mouth in a smile, and then, move back. It is important not to close your mouth during the exercise. Do 35 repetitions.

It is also recommended to do face massage, for example, with two-finger pads, make circular motions, first into one, and then, to the other side.