Tattoo from the evil eye

Since ancient times people have applied various drawings that were intended for communication with the other world. For more than a decade now, tattoos have been used against evil eye and spoilage, which can be applied to any part of the body. When choosing a drawing, it is important to focus not only on its beauty, but also on its meaning, as well as its own feelings.

Tattoo-amulet from the evil eye and spoilage

There are a lot of drawings, but among them you can select several most popular options:

  1. The runes . There are different combinations aimed at combating negative energy. Since the runes have a very large force, it is best to first draw them on the body with a pen and evaluate their feelings.
  2. Cross . This figure is a symbol of eternal life. The cross allows not only to be shielded from the negative, but also attracts good luck . It is best to apply it on the back or area of ​​the heart.
  3. Eye of Horus . Such a tattoo from the evil eye has become popular since the days of Ancient Egypt. There are different options for drawing, which allows you to choose a ward from failures, illnesses and other problems. It is worth noting that the energy of the tattoo disappears, if a person commits bad deeds.
  4. Igdrasil (world tree) . It is a symbol of the ancient Celts, which embodies the beginning of the beginnings. Drawing helps to protect yourself from various ills, and he also attracts good luck. If you apply it on the upper limbs, the tattoo will protect, and if on your legs and back, then it will attract good luck.
  5. Dream catcher . A popular symbol of the American Indians, which protects from bad dreams and protects from evil spirits. If you add a spider to the picture, then you can protect yourself from disease.
  6. The sun is black . Want to get protection from the evil eye, then choose this tattoo, which has tremendous energy. The figure protects against any manifestations of black magic and various negative.