Thursday salt to attract money

All the Holy Week before the great holiday of Easter Christians spend in prayer and strict fasting, and still observe certain rites and ordinances that allow more fully to feel the entire divine power of the Resurrection of Christ, its power and grace. In particular, Clean Thursday is engaged in the manufacture of Thursday salt to attract money.

Application of black salt

I must say that the process of preparing this salt is preceded by a march to the temple, where on Thursday the service of the "12 Gospels" takes place. All Orthodox keep a large candle in their hands, the remaining stump from which should be taken with them and already with its help calcine salt. Of course, the entire volume of sodium chloride burning over the candle will be problematic, so only one pinch poured into a silver spoon is used. It is she who is endowed with the strongest Divine energy, which she transmits to the rest of the salt in a frying pan, into which rye flour and spices are added to taste.

What are the uses for the salt:

How can I use Thursday salt to attract money?

First you need to start it "in work." To do this, the salt should be placed in a canvas bag, tie it with a red thread and at the next day's dawn, step over the threshold with the right foot with the words: "All Soli Salt from Holy Thursday is dear to all, as you came to the house, so bitter misfortune went away. Defend and help, save the house from the doldrums . " Again with your right foot step over the threshold and go round the house counter-clockwise. Before each door to stop, reading the words of the conspiracy on the Thursday salt for money, luck and health: "All the evil go away, and happiness comes, locking the words to the castle, I seal it with salt. "

After that, the bag is hung in the kitchen closer to the burners, where it would not be visible to strangers. To attract luck and money, there is also such a rite: on a Sunday morning at sunrise, take a bag of salt in hands, clutching it in the palms of your hands and sitting down. To read these words: "I will not be deafly either far, near, high, low, feast, no trouble, no heaven, no roof, no relatives, no strangers. And I will be circumvented by grief-kruchina side and will never come near me. These words are eternal, strong now and forever . " And you can attract money to the house if you keep the salt cellar with salt salt on the table and do not allow it to be completely devastated.