Plot for sale apartment

Sale of an apartment is a responsible transaction, which you want to spend most profitable for yourself and for a short period of time. In this case, you can use magical help, but it is important to understand how to properly read the plot to sell the apartment.

In addition, there are a few simple rituals that should definitely be held to find a good buyer and sell the apartment. To begin with, you need to charge the room with positive energy, for which you can collect a bucket of cold water and leave it in a dark place for three days, and then wash the floors with water. In each house there is an invisible master - a brownie and it is important to cajole, so leave on the table for the night a plate with sweets.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment on the keys

Thanks to a simple ritual, you can sell your property at its real value, in a short time and without any problems. Repeat the conspiracy must be at least 3 times, but the more expensive the property, the more repetitions, so you can read 7, 9, 11, 33, 77 and 108 times. Take the keys in your hands and read these words:

"How to forge a blacksmith, plow a plowman, sell a merchant,

Popu for loving honest pray,

But I have to go to church to be baptized,

So the buyer is kind, rich and generous

To my house to come, pay for it and settle there.


Plot for a broom to sell an apartment

The presented ritual will attract good buyers and realize the deal quickly and without problems. To conduct it, you need to prepare some holy water and a broom. Take holy water in the church, and get a broom on Friday, without bargaining. A plot can be read any day, at sunrise. Sprinkle the broom with holy water and say these words:

"I sweep out the dirty trash, clean the house, sparkle, and attract rich buyers. For three days I give, with holy water I fasten the word. Amen".

After that, you need to sweep the entire room, not missing a single centimeter. To conduct the ritual follows three days in a row, each time sprinkling a broom with holy water.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment for coins

There are situations where there are many buyers, but the deal has not been formalized so far. To attract luck, you can conduct a simple ritual, for which you must prepare honey, 10 coins and 20 church candles. At sunrise, put the candles in a circle and put a container of water in the center. Then say these words:

"A new day has come, a new light has come to my house.

I do not light a candle, but a sunbeam will dawn on them.

A new day my house will fill, coins shine.

And sweetness adds honey. "

The next step is to light the candles in a circle, repeating the plot. Read it until the last candle burns. After this, dip the coins into the water and top with honey. Remains of honey must be applied in a thin stream to the doorframe cant to attract good buyers.

Strong plot to sell an apartment with Christmas-tree needles

For a deal to be successful, both for the seller and the buyer, then perform such a ritual. For him, you should prepare three Christmas-tree needles, but you can do more, since the amount does not matter. Put them in a frying pan and add a few drops of water. Put on the stove so that the Christmas tree aroma spreads throughout the apartment, and then, say these words:

"Needle needle, needle from the Christmas tree, luck to me luck , buyer call. So that he came with the money and made a purchase! "

Hide the needles in a secret place so that no one will find or throw them away.

A plot for a quick apartment sale: an appeal to a house

It is believed that, only after obtaining permission from the house, you can conclude a successful transaction. To perform the ritual is necessary on the waning moon in the day when the sun is shining in the sky. For him, prepare four wax candles, a bucket of clean water, pine essential oil and a rag. Leave the bucket for several hours in the brightest room near the window. After that, place the candles on the outside corners of the sold apartment and light them. In the present water, drip some essential oil. The next step is to wipe all surfaces in the apartment with a rag: walls, windows, plumbing, household appliances, etc. Floors should be washed at the very end, and then, say these words:

"House, house, sell my house. My friend, if you help me, you can live in good and light! "

After everything has dried in a couple of hours, ask the brownie, with these words:

"We wish you happiness, your house will be given to good people. Do not forget us, do not forget love and sorrow in grief! "

When the plot is pronounced, the candles can be extinguished and leave the apartment before the order.