Slavic Plots

Many Slavic conspiracies were used by pagan magicians to establish control over the forces of nature. With the help of words, people turned to the spirits and asked for their help. In general, the plot can be considered a certain magical formula for obtaining the desired effect. In ancient times, people believed that in no case can you change words in a conspiracy , as this will lead to serious consequences. That's why they carefully rewrote and transferred spells. Therefore, they have reached our time.

Slavic conspiracies and spells should be read while observing the basic rules:

  1. To conduct any rituals is solely in a sober state.
  2. At least one day prior to the reading of the conspiracy, it is recommended to refrain from eating heavy food, alcohol and from sexual contacts.
  3. Certain rituals must be used exclusively in the direction intended to him, that is, a conspiracy against the disease can not be used to attract good luck;
  4. Slavic conspiracies and amulets should in no case be sold, so it is prohibited to take money for performing the rite.
  5. Plots with good energy need to be read on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and with a bad one - on Monday and Friday.
  6. You can not use Slavic conspiracy to harm other people.

Slavic conspiracies have a strong effect and include both white and black magic. They are divided into certain elements, which were worshiped by their ancestors. Virtually all conspiracies have words and turns specific for modern man, therefore, before ritual, it is recommended to re-read the text several times. Most of the conspiracies are directed to treatment from various diseases and to protection from extraneous influences.

Ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies

In general, there are no special requirements at what time it is worth reading this or that plot. There is an opinion that the maximum effect can be achieved if you pronounce the words standing at the window and looking at the full moon.

Conspiracy from corruption and the evil eye. To protect yourself from negative influence on the part of another person, you need to read these words:

"In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!

The blood of ancestors is pure,

The power of heaven!

Oberegi, save

Grandson of God's Supper (name)

From every eye, from a bad hour,

From the female, from the male,

From the child, from another,

From joyful, from hated,

From the conspiracy, from the negotiation!

May it be so! Goy! "

Ancient Slavic conspiracy from illness

You can use it to get rid of various ailments. A conspiracy sounds like this:

"Semargl-Svarojic, Great Fire-expander! Burn the swallow-pain, cleanse the foul of the womb (name), as you cleanse every man from pain, every creature, from old and young, fire - God's Delight.

You clean people with fire, you open the power of their souls, open the gates, save the child of God, burn it, rot all kinds of rot. I glorify you alone, I call you to help me. From circle to circle, from this day to the end of time. It was so, so it is and so it will be. "

Slavic plot to love

In order to find a soul mate or to maintain a warm relationship in the family, you can read these words:

"On the east side there is the Okinan Sea, on that Okiyan-Sea lies an oak deck, and on that oak deck, Fear-Rah sits. I will submit to Rahu's fear - Rahu and I will pray. Create me Fear-Rah seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, a midday wind, a midnight wind, a wind blowing, the forests drying, crumbling dark forests, green grasses, fast rivers, and so it would dry, my child of God cried (name comes to me) . Now and ever and from circle to circle! Tako be, tako, tako budi! "

It is important to consider that it is not recommended to resort to such conspiracies often, since the effect can be absolutely opposite.