The fight against harassment is questionable: what did Catherine Deneuve and her colleagues write in a scandalous letter?

The open letter that was published in the publication of Le Monde, of course, compared with the recent action total black, which became part of the "Golden Globe" this year.

Recall that guests of one of the most important film awards chose black clothes in order to emphasize their negative attitude towards harassment, while hundreds of eminent French grand dames, on the contrary, consider the entire situation to be artificial and unduly bloated.

Signed by the letter put famous actresses, writers, psychologists, journalists, scientists who compared the current situation in the West with "witch-hunting" and the revival of Puritanism.

In this article, we give the most interesting quotes from the above-mentioned letter, which will allow us to understand the nature of the alternative position regarding sexual harassment:

"Of course, any rape is criminal. However, awkward, albeit persistent courtship can not be called a crime. And gallantry of a man is incomparable with aggressive machismo. What did we get after the scandal with Weinstein? Reassess the consequences of sexual harassment of women. This is especially true of the professional sphere, where men could afford to do this by abusing power. But what did this glasnost give us? The reverse effect! We are now restrained in the manifestation of emotions, shut the mouth to those who contradict us and annoy us, and if the victim prefers to remain silent about what happened, she is immediately put on the lists of traitors, or even accomplices. Does not this remind you of the puritan approach to reality? There are arguments in defense of feminism and emancipation, but in fact women are being chained into the solid armor of conditioned reactions - this is the eternal pose of the victim of violence, which fell under the yoke of a phallocenter culture. The time for the witch hunt has returned. "

What is #MeToo really?

Recall that last year, after a wave of exposures of sexual crimes that took place in the environment of Harvey Weinstein, many network users ventured to express their harassment, accompanying their posts with the #MeToo hashtag. Of course, this trend could not be circumvented by French activists in their open letter:

"Did you notice how the situation turned out? The notorious hashtag #metoo literally launched a whole wave of perjuries and reservations. Under the hot hand, everything began to fall. And the accused did not even have the right to vote! They were not allowed to speak out, but immediately put on the list of sexual offenders. These people have already suffered - they lost their jobs, their reputation was irreparably damaged. For what they were punished by society? For an inappropriate sexual hint or message sent to a woman who has not experienced reciprocity? This passionate desire to find scapegoats plays into the hands of certain categories of people: advocates of sexual freedom, religious fanatics, and those who are guided by "Victorian morality", believes that the woman is a special being in need of protection. "

The radical writer Catherine Rob-Grieille and her colleague Catherine Millet, Catherine Deneuve and the German actress Ingrid Caven, who initiated the frank message, never differed in their complexities and were not followers of the patriarchate. Just the opposite! These ladies in the middle of the last century were European apologists for the philosophy of feminism, which means that they can be trusted when talking about women's rights and freedoms, is not it?

Right to courtship - the right to life

These ladies in full voice call on the world to rethink and stop sexual hysteria, leaving the men and women the right to flirt and courtship:

"We set a goal - to win the right to flirt. This is simply necessary if we are talking about sexual freedom. We have enough experience to realize that sexual interest in itself is wild and offensive. But we have a certain farsightedness to understand that awkward courtship can not be compared to sexual aggression. "

The authors of the scandalous publication refer to the right of men to take care, and women - to reject these courtship if desired. They are convinced that internal freedom is fraught with risk and responsibility:

"Feminism has nothing to do with hatred of men and their sexuality. If you do not like how people take care of you, this does not mean that you have to lock yourself up in the image of a victim. Remember that what happens to a woman's body does not always have to affect her inner dignity, and in severe cases should not turn her into an eternal sacrifice. We are not only our body! You need to cherish inner freedom. And it is impossible to imagine it out of risks and responsibilities. "
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Of course, such a serious publication could not leave indifferent feminists and activists of women's movements. Yes, at the moment, against the hundreds of French women, 30 indifferent women led by Caroline de Haas have already appeared. They imputed to grand dames the substitution of concepts and an attempt to undermine the determination of victims of sexual violence.