How to suppress appetite?

The feeling of hunger is not the friendliest, in relation to losing weight. To cope with hunger, women have learned, quite a long time, because all who ever want to lose weight, they know this feeling. In order to calm the appetite , there are several effective and safe ways.

Eat low-calorie foods:

There are such products to reduce appetite can be in any quantity and as many times as possible every day, as they are rich in fiber and help the rapid absorption of substances in the body.

Running in the fresh air . Running and walking very positively affect the condition of the whole organism. If you struggle with the appetite is very difficult, you need to go out and run a light run or just walk a couple of miles. Walking in the fresh air is very useful because the body spends a lot of energy.

Drink boiled warm water . Before each meal, drink a glass of warm water to speed up the metabolism. Water relaxes the musculature of the walls of the stomach, thereby calming cramps and reduces the feeling of hunger.

Drink herbs that beat the appetite:

Drinks from these herbs are not only effective means for reducing appetite, but also improve the work of the adrenal glands, stimulate the thyroid gland, strengthen immunity, increase tone, and strengthen the circulatory system.

Another means to reduce appetite is frequent meals . The food you take should be put in the mouth in small pieces and thoroughly chewed. If you eat at least five times a day, you can easily reduce your appetite and, of course, get rid of hunger.

It is very easy to confuse the feeling of hunger with appetite. To distinguish them enough to listen to your body, if you are concerned about spasms or unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea or dizziness is a feeling of hunger. If after eating a little time has passed and appetite does not pass, it's worth stopping and thinking about what makes you so hungry.

Sense of appetite can be caused by a pleasant smell, beautiful advertising of food products or even just memories of delicious food. To have an appetite played less often, you are more likely to be outdoors, try to avoid the refrigerator and as little as possible in the kitchen.

If you accustom the body to eat only when you feel hungry, you can easily lose weight and get rid of frequent appetite.