Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

What can be more beautiful and touching than a beautiful love story with a sad ending? A stocky, short American and slim, tall Australian - they were too different in everything from appearance to character. However, at one time they were united by something more important - passionate love and marriage, which lasted almost 10 years.

Let's talk about their history and try to figure out why the divorced Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

Love under camera flashes

Young people met in 1990. Tom at that time was 28 years old, and he already gained a certain fame in the cinema, which can not be said of the 23-year-old Nicole, who was making her first steps in the world of cinema. They met for the film "Days of Thunder", and when Kidman first saw her future husband, she realized only one thing: she will not be called in the film, since she is much taller than Tom and it will be ridiculous to look in the frame (by the way, the growth of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise are 180 and 170 cm respectively). But Tom had a different opinion, because the girl liked him at first sight. As a result, the main role went to her.

Relations in this pair developed at a rapid pace. They never concealed their romance, even though Tom was in an official marriage (his wife was actress Mimi Rogers). Without the difficulty of getting a divorce, Tom Cruise made a Nicole offer and in 1990 they became husband and wife. In this love story there was everything, and in the best traditions of Hollywood: passion, expensive gifts, shooting in different corners of the earth and many other interesting moments. Only children were missing, and then the couple decided on adoption . The foster children of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had to literally cement this union by attaching it and making it unbreakable. Now the lovers had everything - family, children, career, financial well-being.

Beginning of the End

If everything was so cloudless, then what caused the divorce of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman? Later, when much time had passed after the break, the journalists managed to find out many unpleasant details, which gradually alienated the spouses from each other.

At that time, Tom was very popular, and his wife was not easy to be in the shade, shielding her husband before the paparazzi, who kept trying to catch Cruz in the famous sinners.

Another sharing factor was Tom's commitment to the Church of Scientologists. Nicole did not want to recognize the dogma of the teachings of this church, and the gap of misunderstanding between the spouses gradually grew.

The last straw for the union, which was already on the verge of collapse, was shooting in the psychological-erotic tape "With wide eyes closed." Spouses could not cope with the psychological strain, now and then arising during the filming.


Soon in the press there were reports that one of the most beautiful Hollywood couples is divorced. The divorce proceedings were long and scandalous. After the divorce, after spending some time with her mother, the daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, as well as their son, expressed a desire to stay with their father.

This is how the story of love ended. A lot of time has passed since then. Tom Cruise managed to marry again and even to divorce. Nicole Kidman married an Australian singer and became the mother of two daughters. As she later admitted in an interview, the marriage with Tom Cruise was for her a real hell, from which she managed to get out.

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Whatever it was, for us they will remain one of the most beautiful couples of Hollywood.