Coffee with cinnamon - recipe

Is your favorite refreshing drink boring with a monotonous taste? It does not matter, because in order to make a variety it is enough to add a few spices, among them cinnamon, which is famous not only for its dizzying aroma, but also for its healing properties. How to brew a delicious coffee with cinnamon, we learn in this article.

How to make coffee with cinnamon?

Classic black coffee, cooked in turkey with cinnamon - the base, which is used in many subsequent recipes, so it is worth starting with this recipe.



Before making coffee with cinnamon, it is necessary to warm the dry ground coffee in the turkey, then add sugar and cinnamon. This method at the first stage of cooking will give an opportunity to reveal the coffee aroma. Next, add all the water at the rate of one cup, that is, about 150 ml. Give the contents of the Turks reach the boil, but do not boil, but immediately remove from the fire and cast a little into the cup, again put on the fire. Repeat the procedure several times and as a result we get a fragrant black coffee with a thin thick foam and a scent of cinnamon.

Coffee with ginger and cinnamon - recipe

Classic Mediterranean coffee includes many ingredients, among which ginger, which has a bright taste and excellent tonic effect.



At the bottom of the Turks, first of all, dry components are laid and heated: coffee, cocoa powder, cinnamon, anise. As soon as the fragrance goes - it's time to pack the zest and ginger. Preheated spicy mixture pour 400 ml of hot water and cook until the time until the foam appears.

Coffee with milk and cinnamon

Coffee with milk and cinnamon will serve as an excellent "snack" for the ladies watching the figure, because it perfectly fills the stomach and quenches the feeling of hunger.



We prepare strong coffee with a small amount of water already familiar from previous recipes. Using a steam frother, we mix and heat the milk, pour it from the milkman into a glass for a latte, and then pour the strong coffee into the center of the frothy cap with a thin trickle. Ready to drink well sprinkled with cinnamon and, if desired, add sugar.

Coffee with pepper and cinnamon



We warm up the Turk and fall asleep in it coffee, cinnamon and pepper. Pour 50 ml of water and keep the turkey on fire until foam appears. Appeared? We remove from the fire, we give it a fall, and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times. Ready drink poured into a warmed cup and enjoy the taste and aroma.

Coffee with cinnamon and vanilla

A great warming drink on a cold evening.



We make coffee at the rate of 600 ml, in a hot drink we fall asleep a teaspoon of cinnamon. In a separate bowl, whip cream, cinnamon and vanilla extract. We pour out the coffee on warmed cups, from above we spread a ball of whipped milk foam. If desired, coffee can be sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Coffee with cinnamon and cognac



Coffee, sugar and cocoa are poured with boiling water and cook until the foam appears, after adding cinnamon. The capacity of coffee is removed from the fire, add sugar, cognac and poured over warm cups.