Wall-mounted shelving

Today, more and more popular is gaining such a piece of furniture, as a wall shelf for a house. Such hanging shelves are most often made of wood, although there are also metal models used to store various documents.

The wall rack is often used in those rooms where it is not possible to install a stationary cabinet. Such a hanging wall-mounted shelving is an excellent functional and aesthetic addition to the interior of any room.

Wall-mounted bookshelf

This piece of furniture will help to keep books from your home library in order. There are albums with photographs, as well as various documents that can be found in every house. Suspended shelving can be open or with glass. There are models of sectional book shelving. A beautiful wall shelf can be hung in your office, living room or even your bedroom.

Children's wall shelving shelves

In the children's room, the hanging shelving plays the role of a repository of toys, books and textbooks, souvenirs and various handicrafts, as well as other items necessary for the child. Children's wall shelving can have open shelves, playing surface or drawers. The hinged shelving will significantly save the free space in this room. When buying a wall shelf for a child, be sure to check its attachment for durability and safety.

Wall racks for flowers

A beautiful wall decoration will be a wall rack, on which you can arrange indoor flowers. For example, such a rack is perfect for keeping violets or other low houseplants. In addition, such hinged racks are successfully used for placing seedlings of garden and garden crops on them. However, such racks should be located near the window or above them should be installed lighting, so necessary for indoor plants.