Reproductive system of a woman

The reproductive system of a woman has a rather complex device. Thus, in the structure of the female reproductive system, the external and internal genital organs are distinguished. The first can include small and large labia, pubis and clitoris.

External genitals

The labia are two pairs of skin folds that cover the vaginal opening and perform a protective function. Above, in the place of their connection, there is a clitoris, which in its structure is completely analogous to the male member. He also increases in size during sexual intercourse and is an erogenous zone of a woman. The totality of the above-mentioned organs and formations is called vulva.

Internal genitals

The internal organs that make up the reproductive system of a woman are completely surrounded on all sides by the pelvic bones. These include:

The uterus is located exactly in the center of the pelvis, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is supported by double elastic ligaments, which keep it permanently in one position. It is a hollow organ having a pear-shaped form. Its walls in its composition contain a muscular layer, which has great contractility and extensibility. That is why the uterus considerably increases in size during pregnancy, as the fetus grows. Restoring her after childbirth to the original size occurs in 6 weeks.

The cervix is ​​a continuation of her body. It is a narrow tube that has thick walls and leads to the upper part of the vagina. With the help of the neck, there is a message of the uterine cavity with the vagina.

The vagina in its structure resembles a tube, the length of which on average is 8 cm. It is through this channel that the spermatozoa penetrate into the uterus. The vagina has a great elasticity, which allows it to expand during the delivery process. Due to a well-developed network of blood vessels, during the sexual intercourse the vagina slightly swells.

Pipes are the place where a sperm meets with an egg after ovulation. The length of the fallopian tubes is about 10 cm. They end in a funnel-shaped extension. Their inner walls are completely covered with cells of the ciliated epithelium. It is with their help that the mature egg moves to the uterine cavity.

Ovaries are part of the woman's endocrine system and are glands of mixed secretion. They are usually located below the navel in the abdominal cavity. It is here that egg production and maturation takes place. In addition, they synthesize 2 hormones that have a huge impact on the body - progesterone and estrogen. Even at the birth of a girl in the ovaries are laid about 400 thousand eggs. Every month, during the entire reproductive age of a woman, one egg is maturing, which leaves the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation. If the egg is impregnated, pregnancy sets in.

Possible diseases of the reproductive system

In order to avoid the development of diseases, every woman should know how her reproductive system is arranged. Diseases of the reproductive system of a woman are quite diverse and in many cases are the cause of infertility.

Often, development of abnormalities in the reproductive system of a woman can be observed. As a rule, this happens during embryogenesis. Examples of such anomalies may include vaginal agenesis, cervical agenesis, uterine agenesis, tubal agenesis, and other defects.