Streptococcal bacteriophage

Many diseases of the upper respiratory tract are caused by the multiplication of various strains of hemolytic streptococci. Their treatment is complicated by the fact that microbes are able to quickly acquire resistance to the most effective antibiotics, especially in conditions of reduced immunity. Therefore, in the therapy of such diseases streptococcal bacteriophage is often used - a drug with specific activity that causes lysis of pathogenic microorganisms, but does not disturb the overall balance of the microflora.

How and from what to take liquid streptococcal bacteriophage?

Indications for the use of the described drug are various inflammatory diseases, the causative agent of which is streptococcus.

In pulmonology and otolaryngology the bacteriophage is used in therapy:

It is also advisable to use a medicine when developing the following surgical, urogenital and enteral diseases:

In addition, the drug helps with postoperative wounds, nosocomial and generalized infections.

The use of streptococcal bacteriophage can be oral, rectal and local.

Inside the drug should be taken 3 times a day, 60 minutes before meals, 20-30 ml. The general course of treatment is determined by the doctor, usually it lasts from 7 to 20 days and depends on the disease, the degree of its severity.

Locally, the streptococcal bacteriophage is assigned from enterococci and those strains of streptococci that have a high sensitivity to the virus:

  1. When the joint, pleural and other cavities are affected, capillary drainage is established, through which the drug is administered 100 ml per time. Repeat the procedure for several days.
  2. For the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases, the drug should be administered to the vagina or uterus in an amount of 5-10 ml for 7-10 days.
  3. In the treatment of erysipelas, streptococcal bacteriophage, as in other inflammatory dermatological pathologies, is used in the form of applications and irrigation, compresses up to 200 ml, depending on the extent of the affected areas.
  4. During the treatment of pyelonephritis , cystitis and urethritis, the internal administration of the drug is combined with the introduction of a bacteriophage into the renal pelvis (5-7 ml) or the bladder (20-50 ml) 1-2 times a day.
  5. Tamponing is done only with colpitis - twice a day for 10 ml. The tampon should be left for 2 hours.

Can streptococcal bacteriophage cause allergy?

The described medication has no contraindications, no side effects, including cases of allergic reactions. Nevertheless, before applying it, it is important to make sure that there is no excessive sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Analogues of streptococcal bacteriophage

There are no direct analogues of the considered preparation, since it is a purified virus that affects only streptococcal bacteria. But the bacteriophage has many synonyms:

In addition, there are complex bacteriophages that have specific activity against several types of pathogenic microbes, including streptococcus - Piobacteriophage and Sextapage.