What kind of oils are good for hair?

Beautiful, well-groomed hair wants to have every woman. One of the most popular natural remedies, which helps in full-fledged hair care, are various vegetable oils.

Are hair oils good?

Most often, the effectiveness of the effect on the hairdress of the oils is doubted by the owners of fatty hair. Experts confidently declare: oils of vegetable origin, beneficial effect on the scalp and hair structure of any type, while:

Useful hair oils

There are many kinds of vegetable oils, so the question is: what kind of oils are most useful for hair? Immediately warn that deciding which oil for hair is useful, you should proceed from the type of hair, as well as take into account the problems with the hair that are available to a particular person.

Burr oil

In the recipes of traditional medicine, the most common medicinal ingredient is burdock and castor oil. Thanks to the richness of vitamins, minerals and tannins, phytosterols and unsaturated fatty acids, mask based on burdock oil activates metabolic processes and blood circulation in the epidermis, strengthens the hair roots and improves their structure. After a significant impact on the scalp of chemicals during the coloring, permanent wave, oil helps restore skin.

Castor oil

Like burdock, castor oil was used in the old days so that the braids of beauties grew lush. In the most common prescription for combating dandruff and accelerating the growth of hair, it is suggested to mix two parts of butter with one part of vodka and rub the mixture into the head.

Olive oil

Among the most useful oil for hair is always noted olive oil . Its value lies in the fact that it contains a lot of useful substances and is better than other vegetable oils absorbed by the cells of the human body. To make a nourishing mask for the hair, you need to connect 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of honey with 3 spoons of oil.

Sea buckthorn oil

With dry hair, masks with sea buckthorn oil are especially effective. The therapeutic mixture is made up of 2 tablespoons of whey, 2 teaspoons of butter. The composition is added by a teaspoon of pressed garlic and colorless henna, as well as 3 drops of citrus essential oil (for example, bitter orange).

Jojoba oil

Recently, hair products with jojoba oil have become very popular. The unique chemical composition (close in quality to the collagen protein and many amino acids) contributes to the removal of layers formed on the hair, giving uniformity and elasticity.

Mustard oil

Anticipating the question of whether it is useful for mustard oil for hair , we assure that the antibacterial properties of astringent oil strengthens the hair and, causing blood flow to the roots of the hair, stimulates their growth. It should only be used correctly, combining with the filtered broth the rhizomes of nettle or burdock.

In order to best treat your hair, you need to do masks weekly (or even better 2 times a week) for several months. The only exceptions are therapeutic masks with sea buckthorn oil, in the application of which it is sufficient to spend 3 to 4 sessions. The duration of the procedure with masks is from half an hour to several hours. To achieve a greater effect in the treatment of hair, it is desirable to add essential oils to masks and care products in small doses.