Burdock oil for dandruff

Dandruff often worries people with increased fatty scalp. In this case, burdock oil from dandruff does not help, it is generally not recommended to use those who have oily hair. But if your dandruff is dry, the oil from the root of burdock will solve this problem in just a few weeks. A nice bonus will be shiny, silky hair, markedly increased in length.

Due to what burdock oil helps against dandruff?

As a part of burdock oil, there are a lot of vitamins and minerals, but its main value is a high concentration of phytosterols. These substances have such functions:

Also, thistle oil contains many fatty acids and inulin, which helps to moisturize the scalp and hair, as well as enhance the absorption of nutrients. Here's why burdock oil against dry dandruff is one of the best remedies.

Application of burdock oil against dandruff

If you are still in doubt, if burdock oil helps against dandruff, check its effectiveness on yourself. In addition to individual sensitivity, there is no contraindication to this drug, and its effect on the hair and scalp will in any case be positive. So, we hasten to share with you a recipe of how best to use burdock oil from the pharmacy for dandruff:

  1. Heat the container with oil under a tap of hot water from the tap.
  2. Carefully comb your hair, divide into several pieces.
  3. Using a syringe without a needle, or a brush, apply burdock oil on the scalp.
  4. Massage your head with your fingertips to distribute the product more evenly.
  5. Cover your head with a food wrap, or wrap it with a warm towel.
  6. After an hour and a half, apply an egg yolk to the roots of the hair, massage it.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo . Repeat the procedure every 5-6 days.

You can prepare burdock oil, suitable for the treatment of dandruff, independently:

  1. Buy a dry crushed burdock root in the pharmacy, or procure raw materials yourself.
  2. Take the 7 tbsp. root spoons, grind to a powder state, place in a glass container.
  3. Fill the burdock with 200 ml of olive oil, close the lid, put in a dark place for 3 weeks.
  4. Heat the oil in a water bath to a temperature of 90 degrees, cool, strain.
  5. Store this oil better in the refrigerator.