Floor tiles in the corridor

A huge variety of building materials puts the buyer before a difficult choice. What to prefer for a floor covering to a corridor - a ceramic tile , a laminate, linoleum ? More and more apartment owners tend to choose tiles. Let's look at why.

Advantages of floor tiles in the corridor

Huge variety

For each interior and wallet, you can choose a suitable floor tile. It can be of all colors, size and texture. Separately affects the proposed texture of such a coating - the tile can imitate stone, wood, parquet and fabric.

Ability to change the space of the corridor.

The design of tiles in the corridor can effectively transform the area and construction of the room. You can visually expand or extend the corridor, as well as draw attention to its center, laying out the original floor composition.

Strength and practicality

Since the corridor is a special place in the apartment, where we immediately get off the street, it will be natural for it to be frequently contaminated and cleaned. Floor tiles are absolutely not afraid of moisture and stand up to such loads, without losing the appearance and quality of the surface. In addition, you can safely leave in the corridor heavy objects, strollers, bicycles and do not worry about the deformation of the coating.


Laying the tiles on the floor, you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable for her on the wall from the same collection. Thus, the corridor will look harmonious and you will not lose precious time in search of decoration materials for the walls.

Which tile to choose?

Often, buyers ask themselves: what floor tiles to choose for the corridor - tiled or porcelain? Of course, both named species have their advantages and disadvantages.

Porcelain tiles are the most durable and wear-resistant floor covering. But even if someone managed to scratch it, then such damage will not be noticeable, because the tile consists of a homogeneous material that is the same in color and composition. The tile at the slightest cleavage immediately reveals its base, because it is painted only from the outside. In addition, tiles are more slippery, which is hardly suitable for children and the elderly. Ceramic granite has a simple homogeneous color, whereas tiles can have a wide variety of patterns and ornaments. If you choose a tile of equally high strength, then the tile pattern will be an order of magnitude more expensive than the ceramic granite.

An interesting option is a combination in the corridor of tiles with a laminate. This combination allows you to successfully divide the space into different zones without resorting to partitions and other structures. This design can be done both in a straight line, and connecting the tile with the laminate on the bend. The selection of the connecting elements should correspond to the thickness and color of both floor coverings.

How to lay out the tiles in the corridor?

Having defined the tiles, you need to evaluate the properties of the corridor in order to understand how best to lay it. There are two main options - either straight or diagonally.

Laying tiles in a straight line is a standard and a simpler option. It is suitable for a plain floor and for a tile with a pattern that will be well received in this case.

Diagonal placement of floor tiles is the most beautiful, but also the most complex kind of styling. This approach will hide the nonparallelism of the walls and expand the corridor space, however it is more expensive and requires skills in implementation.

Since the process of laying the tiles is quite painstaking and is done with the help of special tools, it is better to trust the professional.