
Anhedonia is a syndrome of lack of joy. If a person is not able to receive pleasant feelings while meeting with relatives, or trying tasty food, or getting new impressions, then the problem is precisely this. As a rule, anhedonia is considered one of the most significant symptoms of depression .

Angodonia: Symptoms and Causes

Angedonia sneaks up unnoticed: at first, your favorite things get bored and cease to bring joy. Then suddenly it turns out that everything in general, all life in all its manifestations, has bothered. Nothing pleases. There is no way to find at least a little happiness, even if you eat your adored dish or meet an old faithful friend. And even gifts, no matter how incredible they were, can not "stir" a person in the state of anhedonia. Often this is accompanied by orgasmic anhedonia - the inability to enjoy sex.

Thus, anhedonia is a terribly life-poisoning syndrome. After all, it is so important for a person to smile and be happy! Without this, life itself ceases to have any meaning.

It often turns out that paranoia and anhedonia are closely related. For example, a person for a long time was in a state of increased stress, and then there was a certain breakdown - and everything became gray, insignificant, joyless against the background of the stresses experienced.

However, there is also a category of people who, because of their excessively pessimistic outlook on life, have no opportunity to enjoy life. These are quite rare cases, but sometimes it happens.

This disease in general is due to the fact that the brain does not work "pleasure center", the body lacks endorphins and serotonin - hormones of joy. As a rule, it is to eliminate this cause of the disease that treatment is directed.

Anhedonia: treatment

In the question of how to treat anhedonia, there are two main options. Even if you are an avid skeptic, it is worthwhile first to try the first, and only then - the second. Many people like to put themselves diagnoses, which they do not have, as soon as there are any difficulties in life. Therefore, to begin with, just in case, try simple and affordable.

1. Independent Measures

In the early stages, a person can help himself. To do this, he must do everything in order to reorganize his life in accordance with his joys. First of all, you need to find enough time for sleep (at least 8 hours a day) and include in the diet products that contribute to the production of serotonin or carry it in yourself: these are bananas, oranges, chocolate. Look at funny cartoons or comedies. Find time for your close people and buy yourself new things - and do it not in a hurry, but calmly and with pleasure. Many people are well helped by active sports or dancing.

2. Visiting a doctor

If everything you did for yourself did not give you joy, then it's worth to turn to a specialist. It is best not to switch immediately to medical methods of treatment, but first turn to the psychotherapeutic techniques that modern clinics will offer you in a large assortment. If you get to a good doctor, he will easily chart the course of your treatment and help you quickly return to a normal, happy life.

Despite the fact that it is easy to find convincing advertising of various drugs on the Internet that allow you to fight an anhedonia and are sold without a prescription for quite decent money, remember the common sense. However convincingly it is said in advertising about the effectiveness of the means, it is useless or even dangerous to buy such products. No tablets, pills and syrups from anhedonia without a doctor's consultation can not be accepted!