Women's narrowed to the bottom trousers for full

Narrowed pants differ in color, features of cut and texture. Such an abundance of options provides a huge field for experimentation and the opportunity to feel attractive to every woman regardless of body constitution, height and age.

Women's narrowed trousers for fat women - the best models

Contrary to popular belief, narrowed pants are by no means a taboo for girls who wear clothes of plus size. First, the plus itself is a loose concept. A few extra centimeters on the hips and a small wrinkle on the tummy can be masked with the help of narrowed pants with a sufficiently high free fit. The products of this cut will make the silhouette slimmer and slimmer, in addition, visually extend the legs. With the same functions, trousers-riding breeches will perfectly cope.

Classic pants, slightly narrowed to the bottom - a good option for fat women who are forced to adhere to strict rules of the office dress code . They are able to bring some zest into the business image, make it more feminine and interesting.

Also, girls with a moderately full proportional figure can "play" with shorter models narrowed to the bottom of the trousers, choosing the optimal width of the pants, depending on the growth and the case.

What kind of shoes to wear narrowed trousers?

Heels, heels - the stylists say in one voice, answering the question, with what footwear to wear narrowed trousers. In summer, the ensemble, which is based on light cotton or knitted pants, can be supplemented with stylish sandals on a low heel. The shortened models of trousers are in harmony with high-heeled shoes and an ankle strap.

Wide trousers tapering to the bottom can be combined with open boots with lacing and an open toe.

Trousers-breeches will be friends with summer boots and closed sandals.

Of course, completely discount out of shoes shoes at low speed is not worth it. Although, moccasins, classic losers and ballet shoes - yet considered the prerogative of slim girls. Therefore, owners of magnificent forms should be more careful, making a choice in favor of convenience.

In the cold season, when belts from light fabrics are replaced by products made of wool, knitwear or denim, full women will still have to sacrifice comfort and give up shoes on a flat sole. Ankle boots, half-boots on a hairpin or an elegant little heel will make an excellent pair of almost any model of narrowed panties.

To have a more complete idea of ​​what kind of shoes suited to narrowed trousers, we suggest you view our photo gallery.