Cavernous hemangioma

Not many people know that tumors can develop not only in tissues, but also in blood vessels. A vivid example is the unpleasant-looking benign neoplasms, which are usually called cavernous hemangiomas. This is one of the most common vascular defects. Most often it appears immediately after birth. That is why many people consider cavernous hemangioma to be a purely childish disease. In fact, neoplasm may appear in a person of any age.

Causes and main types of cavernous hemangiomas

Studies of the nature of this disease are ongoing to this day. But alas, there is no exact reason why hemangiomas appear in children and adults. The most plausible at the moment is the version that bright-burgundy and cyanotic lesions appear on the skin due to disruption of the growth processes of vascular tissues. Hence the alternative name of the disease is vascular hyperplasia. Simply put, tumors appear due to the fact that vascular tissue begins to grow uncontrollably.

Develop neoplasms can both on the skin and mucous membranes. Very often specialists have to deal with cavernous hemangiomas of the liver. Less often, the disease affects the spleen, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the brain or spinal cord, the sex glands.

The following factors can contribute to the appearance of such tumors:

There are several main types of hemangiomas:

  1. Cavernous hemangioma is also called cavernous vascular tumor. This neoplasm consists of vascular cavities, differing in shape and size, in which the blood usually folds.
  2. Capillary hemangioma develops very rapidly. The spots of pink, burgundy or purple color consist of capillaries.
  3. The rarest variety of hemangiomas is racemic. There are such neoplasms from arterial and venous vessels.
  4. Capillary-cavernous hemangioma is a fairly complex tumor. In one neoplasm it is possible to detect particles of the nervous, connective, vascular and lymphoid tissues simultaneously. Depending on the composition of the tumor, its color may change.

Treatment of cutaneous and internal cavernous hemangiomas

Although cavernous hemangiomas and are considered diseases relatively safe, you need to get rid of these tumors. Moreover, it is recommended to do this very quickly. Especially when it comes to internal tumors.

The most dangerous thing is that for the time being cavernous hemangiomas of the spinal cord, liver, spleen or any other organ can not manifest themselves in any way. When neoplasms strongly increase in size, they burst, because of what the internal bleeding. Regular surveys can help to avoid such consequences.

A truly effective method of treating tumors today is the removal of cavernous hemangioma. What is true, this operation is not shown to everyone. Surgical intervention is advisable only when the hemangiomas very quickly increase in size.

You can remove the tumor by the following methods: