Fetoplacental insufficiency

Fetoplacental insufficiency (FPN) is a condition in which a pregnant woman has structural changes and abnormalities of the placenta. To varying degrees, FPD is diagnosed in almost every third future mother, so this problem is very relevant. In fetoplacental insufficiency, the fetus does not receive the proper amount of oxygen, begins to experience hypoxia, which adversely affects its development and growth.

Types FPN

Physicians share FPN:

1. By maturity:

2. In its current:

3. By the type of developmental disorders of the fetus:

4. By severity of violations:

Causes of fetoplacental insufficiency

There are a number of factors that provoke FPN:

Diagnosis and treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency

FPN can be detected only with the help of special studies. The main sign of fetoplacental insufficiency is first excessive activity of the baby, and then a decrease in the number of his movements. If development is delayed, the doctor notes that there is no growth in the abdomen in the dynamics, a discrepancy between the height of the uterine floor and the term of pregnancy. Diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency is carried out by ultrasonic method, dopplerography and cardiotocography. There are no funds that allow instantaneous cure of FPN. The main goal of the treatment is to improve gas exchange, restore uterine-placental circulation and normalize the tone of the uterus. Can be appointed Curantil, Actovegin, Ginipral, droppers with magnesia.