Jodomarin for children

Prophylactic intake of various medicines is of great importance in preventing childhood diseases. One of these drugs is iodomarin 100 for children, which includes iodine - one of the microelements necessary for children and adults for normal life. Iodine is not produced by the human body, and its daily intake must come with food. However, there are groups of people who either need iodine more than usual (children and adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers), or live in areas with a low content of this substance in the environment. They also showed an additional intake of drugs, such as iodomarine, for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases.

Dosage of baby iodomarine

Daily doses of iodomarine for prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency (which is manifested by such diseases as endemic, diffuse non-toxic or euthyroid goiter) differ.

For the prevention of children should give iodomarine, usually in such doses:

Preventive maintenance is carried out by courses during, as a rule, several years. This is especially true in adolescence, when active hormonal changes occur in the child's body.

In the treatment of goiter, endocrinologists appoint a dosage of 100 to 200 micrograms per day. The course of treatment for children is 2-4 weeks.

Iodomarine - side effects

All the side effects from taking iodomarin can be divided into two groups: allergic reactions of the body and disturbances in the endocrine system.

Allergy to iodine preparations, which is also called "iodism", is manifested as:

Since iodine, with its excess amount, has the property of accumulating in the body, then when taking:

Contraindications for taking iodomarin

  1. Hyperthyroidism.
  2. Individual intolerance to iodine.
  3. Thyroid adenoma (toxic). The only exception is the period of iodine therapy, which is performed after the operation in the treatment of this disease.

Do not forget the products containing iodine , which can diversify the diet of the child.